
How Do You Make A Rug Using Plastic Bags?

An exciting project for children or adults is to make an outdoor rug using plastic bags that can be used indoors as well as outdoors.
Our “so-called “national flower” still making its way through the ocean and on our beaches Finding a way to recycle the plastic bags used for shopping is a fantastic initiative for the community that will assist in encouraging cleanups of the river and beach.

Make sure to wear gloves when you carpet washing price in hong kong collect plastic bags from beaches and rivers. The bags need to be rinsed and dried before use to make an area rug.
Rugs are created by weaving fibers or threads. The process works similarly to reusing plastic bags.

Step 1: Collect the necessary items

It’s the first thing to do is gather enough plastic bags that can be used to make the smallest rug. You’ll require about 150. This is a fantastic option to recycle many plastic bags. What you require is:
More than 150 plastic bags
wax paper
an iron
straight pins.

Step 2. Sort the bags

If you’re looking to make an attractive pattern, divide the bags into different color piles. If you don’t need an established pattern, you can use the bags in random order to create an individual look.

Step 3: Divide the bags.

To make “fibers” to work with Cut the handles off at the top, then cut the bags on each side, while leaving the base uncut to create the long strip.
Spread the bags then fold the bags lengthwise around one of the cut edges into the length of a strip that is 5cm wide. The print should remain to the side.
If your children assist with the cutting, you can use blunt-nose scissors.
Step 4: Begin braiding the bags
The rug you’ll make is circular, which means the braid will start with a center braid that will grow when you add bags. If you’re not sure how you can braid, or even plait your hair look up this guide for the basics of a three-strand braid.
Begin by putting three bags together. Join them in the middle. Put a large object on the knot or secure it by your toes, so that you can start braiding. When you’ve reached an endpoint on the initial strip you should leave a tail behind so you can tie the following strips and then continue braiding.
When you’ve got a good length of braid, start making the braid into a spiral. You’ll be able to see how far you’ll need to travel. The size of your rug is entirely up to you however it’s contingent on how you’ve got bags.

Step 5: Pin the braids into the desired location.

When you start making the spiral begin to form the spiral, use straight pins to ensure that the braids stay in the right place. Pins with round plastic heads are ideal since they’re easily visible and don’t sag easily.

Be cautious about how you move the hong kong carpet selling company rug after it’s packed with pins. It is important to ensure that your children are well-supervised.

Step 6: Connect the rug’s back

To stop your rug from unraveling when the pins are removed the back is then fused or melted into the backing sheet of plastic using a hot iron. If you’re nervous about this procedure, try it out first using a couple of bags.
Utilize more plastic bags cut in half and flattened to make the material that will form the rug’s backing. Place the spiral with its pin-side down on a surface that is iron-safe. Place your plastic bags over the top of the spiral.
Then cover the braid with wax paper. The hot iron should be dragged over the wax paper, causing it to melt the reverse of the spiral. This will join the braid with the bags that hold it.
Make sure to iron only on wax paper, or the plastic bags that are melted will adhere to your iron. This procedure must be performed by an adult.
At the point where you’ve reached the top of your spiral, you can tuck the end of the braid into the rug, and then glue it to the rug. Then, you can take off the wax paper and pins to reveal the finished rug.