
5 Common Data Security Mistakes Your Business Should Avoid

Having an online presence nowadays determines the success of most ventures, especially businesses. The first place where people get acquainted with your business is on the internet. Hence, zero online presence can make it very hard for your business to survive. 

The arrival of the pandemic emphasized the online presence of brands even more. No matter what sort of business you owned, how big or small, it became extremely important to command an online presence for yourself. However, this requirement to be online brought in a whole new set of problems alike for all businesses, whether it be an organization as big as Pepsico or Breakout Escape Room

There is not a single doubt that technology has eased a bunch of things for everyone. However, it is also true that it has given an open invitation to a lot of other threats, most of which still remain unprecedented. Of all the threats, the biggest one is against your security. As a business, your data is sacred and the determining factor of your success. Hence, of all things, securing your data should be the priority foremost.

Alas, as important as it is to secure your data, some areas that businesses overlook. These overlooked areas can be a serious safety hazard for your company’s data security. You need to be aware of the practices that might be a potential threat to your business, as well as the standard rules of IT. In this blog post, we will be discussing 5 common data security mistakes that your business should avoid making.  

1. Your password is ‘password.’ 

Passwords are a huge deal when it comes to anything. Be it security, money, or data- passwords are an important key that determines your overall security. A lot of us might think that setting our passwords like ‘password’ or ‘password123’ might be a witty, smart, or out-of-the-box idea. Well, we’re very sorry to break your bubbles, but it’s not.

In fact, this is one of the most common passwords used all around the world. Think of how easy you’re making it for the hackers to steal all your data and infiltrate it into your system. There is a solid reason why it is advised to use a strong, complex, and unique password.  

2. You think that your data isn’t worth hacking 

You have to be really ignorant to even think along these lines. It does not matter how big or small your business is. Do not live under the illusion that your data is not worth hacking. Small business owners, in particular, are more prone to this thought process. This gives hackers the perfect opportunity to feed on your data because your guard isn’t up. An entire black market operates out there that buys and sells personal information about people.

Moreover, this also puts you at the risk of crucial information getting leaked, such as bank details and the like. Hence, never underestimate the potential damage that you can suffer. 

3. You entrust the wrong people with crucial information 

It might sound like a very cliche tip, but you really need to be careful out there who to entrust your data information with. More so, you need a trustworthy crew who looks into this matter on a daily basis. This holds especially true if they are the ones who deal with ensuring the security of your data. Make sure that you are entrusting really reliable and qualified people with this information.

It is not just employees that you should be careful with. You must also look out for suspicious customers. You must also keep in mind that you are not giving away devices that hold such information. If you do decide to do so, make sure that personal and financial details can’t be accessed by them and that all of such things are protected by a password. Moreover, if you are a company that provides personal devices to their employees, make sure that they cannot access any information that is relevant to the company but not them. Also, ensure that your employees are not involved in any shady business, especially if it is being done through official devices. Hire professionals who are experts in handling data security.

The last thing you need is your information getting leaked because of some amateur mistake. Go through a proper background check and run through questionnaires with their previous place of employment. Data security is no joke.  

4. You are trying to be a ‘one-man army.’ 

Businesses do not function with a single person’s involvement. There is a reason why people have an entire team for several tasks. Not everyone is proficient at doing everything. This stands relevant even for the owner of the business. People need an entire team to have their ideas work out. Hence, it is foolish if you are trying to be the hero and do everything by yourself. Data security is a complex job.

Dealing with information technology in itself is a very complicated task. If you think that the internet can teach you anything about data security and that you can handle it all by yourself, you are gravely mistaken. It is one thing to have a thirst for learning more and more about several tasks that go on throughout your company. However, it is foolhardy if you think that you can be a ‘one-man army.’ Hence, be smart, and hire a professional for the job who knows how and what to do at the right time. 

5. Your employees are not aware of the threats 

Teaching your employees about every aspect is an extremely crucial part of the business. Their one silly mistake can put all your company’s data at great risk. Hence, walking your employees through the dos and don’ts is extremely important. The process should begin with yourself. Learn about what the potential threats could be and what to do in such situations, and pass this information on to your employees. One of the best ways to tackle this is to come up with a security policy for your company. This would give your employees a basic set of rules and regulations to follow when they’re on the web. 

Final thoughts

The territory is a tough one to tread when it comes to data security. However, the fact remains that people fall victim to these cyber crimes by committing silly, common mistakes. Hence, if you’re able to avoid these mistakes, you’re very safe.