Home ImprovementLifestyle

5 Plumbing Tips To Make Your Home Stress-Free

For the majority of us, plumbing pipes are just sort of there. We don’t give it much thought or concern when it comes to upkeep. But boy do we notice when it abruptly stops functioning properly or when we encounter an issue.

Plumbing mishaps occur daily. There is an intricate network of pipes, drains, and appliances in your home that all function to simplify your life.

Plumbing systems function primarily out of sight from the human eye, and we have a tendency to forget about things we can’t see. Your plumbing is susceptible to wear and tear, though, just like anything else. The easiest approach to preventing a catastrophe is to have a solid understanding of common plumbing issues and their fixes.

The plumbing in your home is a complex system that brings in fresh water, heats it for washing, and disperses it throughout the building. It’s simple to take for granted that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation, at least until something goes wrong.

Fortunately, maintaining your plumbing is not too difficult if you want to keep the majority of typical problems at bay, like leaks, clogs, and damaged and rusty pipes. Sinks and toilets can last for decades, as will the majority of fixtures.

Here are some tips to avoid these plumbing issues:

Learn Unclogging Drains

You will eventually have a clogged drain. Our hair sheds during showers and accumulates over time. Using one of those liquid drain cleaners can be your first response when faced with a clog. Big error.

Yes, avoid using liquid drain cleaners at all costs. We are aware that it seems like a simple solution to a bothersome issue. However, the chemicals in Liquid Plumber and other solutions of a similar nature might damage your plumbing system. Get a snake or other instrument that can remove any obstructions from your pipes if your sink or bathtub keeps backing up.

Maintain Your Toilet

You can start by making sure that the only things you flush down the toilet are your own waste and toilet paper. Baby wipes, paper towels, cotton swabs, and other items can easily become stuck in your pipes and cause clogs. If you don’t already have one, buy one the next time you’re at the store (we all get a clog eventually).

Additionally, you want to confirm that your toilet is operating properly. A running toilet is an obvious symptom that the toilet tank needs to have one or more parts replaced. However, sometimes toilet leaks might be so slight that they are audible. By adding food coloring to the toilet tank, you can look for these hidden leaks.


Regulate Water Pressure

It is a crucial component of a sound plumbing system. You should check the water pressure in your home as frequently as you can, much like we have our blood pressure taken every time we go to the doctor. A basic pressure gauge is fairly inexpensive and available at any hardware or home improvement store.

If your home does have high water pressure, you should reduce it to a safe level. Installing (or replacing) your pressure-reducing valve, or PRV, will enable you to accomplish this. Most households that rely on a public water supply must have PRVs. This is so that fire hydrants, high-elevation dwellings, and tall structures may be served by municipal water corporations, which must pump water at high pressures.

Clean Your Water Heater

Your water heater needs to be flushed about once a year because mineral particles can gather there. It will last a lot longer if you do this. It will begin to make banging noises if it needs to be flushed urgently. That is water coming up from beneath a heavy layer of silt at the tank’s bottom. The tank may rust out if sediment buildup is not frequently flushed.

You should replace the anode rod in your water heater every five years in addition to flushing it once a year. If you take proper care of a water heater, it can last a very long period.

Watch Out For Leaks

Water bills from running toilets and dripping faucets can climb into the hundreds. They are typically simple to fix and can help you save a lot of money. Maintain a diligent repair schedule.

Corroded and rusted-out pipes are only two examples of plumbing leak reasons that don’t occur all at once. Check your home’s exposed pipes frequently for indications of deterioration or damage. A skilled plumber should take care of the issue if there are rust, warping, or water droplets on the pipe’s exterior.

Key Takeaway

Take the time to perform routine plumbing maintenance because you depend on your home’s plumbing every day. Simple maintenance can go a long way toward keeping your plumbing clear of blockages, stopping leaks, and reducing water damage.

You don’t have to be a plumber in order to take care of some of the things people typically need help with. The major issues may require professional help yet these tips ensure that you have a good basic understanding of how to keep your plumbing issues under control.