
5 Ways To Ease Your Back Pain This Monsoon

Back pain is a common problem that many people experience during the monsoon season. This is because the weather changes can cause back pain to worsen. If you are one of the many people who suffer from back pain, don’t worry! There are several things that you can do to ease your discomfort. This blog post will discuss five ways to reduce back pain during the monsoon season.

Let’s get started.

Causes of Back Pain

The back is susceptible to pain for a variety of reasons. Poor posture, incorrect lifting techniques, and lack of exercise are some of the most common cause of back pain. However, did you know that weather changes can also lead to back pain? That’s right! The rainy season is one of the most common times for people to experience back pain.

There are a few reasons why back pain is more common in the monsoon season. For one, the weather is cooler and damp during this time of year. This can lead to muscle and joint stiffness, leading to back pain.

Additionally, more mud and water is around during this season, making it easy to slip and fall. This increases the risk of back injuries. AskApollo is one of the best sites where you can grab some helpful information about the diagnosis and treatment options for back pain.

Symptoms of Back Pain

  • Pain in the lower back radiates through the buttocks and down the legs. This suggests sciatica, a condition caused by compression of the sciatic nerve.
  • Dull ache in the lower back that may persist for days or weeks.
  • Straining or tearing of muscles in the back.
  • Injury to the ligaments or disks (the cushions between vertebrae)
  • Pinched nerves

5 Ways to Ease Your Back Pain this Monsoon:

  • Posture

One of the most common causes of back pain is poor posture. The human spine is not meant to be hunched over a computer or phone all day long. When you sit or stand with good posture, your back muscles can support your spine properly. This helps to prevent pain in the lower back.

To improve your posture, make sure that you:

  • Sit up straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor
  • Keep your shoulders back and down
  • Avoid crossing your legs when sitting
  • Stand up tall with your shoulders back and down
  • Improve Flexibility and Muscle Strength

Enhancing the flexibility and muscle strength in your back can protect it from any type of injuries. You can do some back exercises and stretches to achieve this. Various back pain relief products are available in the market that can help you get rid of back pain.

  • Exercise Regularly

There are a few exercises that you can do to ease back pain. One is called the pelvic tilt. To do this, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Then, tighten your stomach muscles and tilt your pelvis up towards the ceiling. Hold this position for a few seconds before relaxing back down to the floor.

Another exercise that can help is the Superman exercise. To do this, lie face down on the floor with your arms extended out in front of you. Then, raise your arms and legs off of the floor at the same time. Hold this position for a few seconds before returning to the starting position.

If you are not used to exercising, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase your workouts’ intensity. Before starting any new exercise program, you should consult a doctor or physical therapist.

  • Stretching & Massage

Stretching can be very effective in easing back pain. It helps to improve blood circulation and flexibility in the back muscles. Try doing some simple back stretches every day. They will help to loosen the muscles and relieve the pain.

There’s nothing quite like a good massage to ease back pain. The pressure and kneading of the muscles can help loosen knots and relieve tension. If you don’t have time for a professional massage, you can try using a massager at home or on your hands.

  • Keep your Weight Controlled

Your back supports your entire body, so it’s important to keep the amount of strain on your back as low as possible. This is especially true during monsoon, when you may carry extra weight from all the water retention. Maintaining a healthy weight will help reduce the pressure on your back and ease your back pain.

The Bottom Line

The best way to ease back pain is to stay active and keep moving. This helps to strengthen the muscles in your back and can also help to improve your overall flexibility. Try to do gentle exercises each day, such as swimming or walking, and avoid any activities that put too much strain on your back.