
Business and Wellness: Essential Things to Keep Your Employees Healthy and Happy!

To run a successful business one of the critical elements is keeping your employees happy. Contented and happy staff can mean a better working environment, quality outputs, great work relationships and an overall positive outlook.

Yet there are still business owners that still overlook this. Reasons why people leave without notice, don’t make it past their probation period, put out ‘below average’ quality work and even have work conflicts.

Plus, don’t you want people who help you run your business to be happy while doing so? If you do, below are subtle but great ways to show your employees you care for them!

1 – Don’t make it hard for them to avail leaves

Some companies make it so hard for their employees to file for leaves. Some only offer staff certain days they can file a leave of absence, while others include extensive requirements. Like only availing of one leave per month, only availing a leave if they’ve filed it 2 weeks prior and so much more.

Employees past their probation period are entitled to use their leaves whenever they want to do so. Making it hard for them to use their leaves will make you come off as someone who doesn’t care for their lives outside work.

So try to make the process for availing of a leave easy. Making it too complex is the reason most employees leave, due to the lack of time they have with their friends, family and themselves.

If there are instances you really need them to report to work at the same they file for a leave, consider bargaining with them. This will make them feel needed and at the same time cared for by your company.

2 – Adding homey touches to the office

Making the office cozier is one of the many ways to keep workers content and happy. The workplace benefits from a healthy dose of comfort since it helps to ward off negative emotions like tension, worry, and unease.

There are tons of ways to make the workplace more comfortable that are both effective and efficient! To give you an idea, here’s a list of ways to do so:

Get the office a coffee maker

This is a great time-efficient way to make the office cozier. This will save you more office hours since employees don’t need to head out to get coffee. Plus it’s a great feature to keep your staff happy with free coffee.

And who doesn’t like coffee, right? So consider getting one for your office today! And even add some sugar and creamer packets, disposable cups and mixers and even tissues.

Have a breakroom

Taking breaks is an essential factor everyone needs to work efficiently, that’s why break rooms are vital. Adding a breakroom is a great way to provide your staff with a place to rest while they’re in the office. Plus this is a great way to keep your employees interacting with one another.

Every break room must have a table, chairs, a television and even a sofa. You can choose to add more ‘homey’ touches like throw pillows, a water dispenser, a cozy quilt and so on. You can even encourage your staff to bring their own items to add to the break room like stuffed animals, blankets and more.

Have a snack area

Having a place where employees can eat and snack together is another great way to keep the workplace comfortable. For the snack area, you can add a vending machine, a refrigerator they can keep their items in, a microwave and a sink.

This is also another time-efficient way to keep your employees in the office rather than heading out to eat. You can even add a dish area where they can keep their plates, mugs and other utensils.

A tip, some offices have snack day where the office provides complimentary goodies after a long day of work. These goodies can be cupcakes, pizza, cookies, fruits, sliders and more.

3 – Keep them protected

An efficient way to keep your employees protected is by getting them insured! When you get business insurance, make sure to add in a workers’ compensation insurance policy. This policy covers various aspects like leaves, property damage, bodily injury, death and more.

To give you a better understanding, it includes things like paid leaves, medical and hospital expenditures, missed pay, and compensation for relatives of the deceased.

This is a fantastic way to show your workforce how important they are to the business! And also a fantastic approach to keep them safe in the workplace. So if you weren’t planning on getting business insurance, it’s time to reconsider!

But if you’re new to insurance and coverage, consider working with an insurance broker. They’ll be able to look for policies best suited for your business. Plus they can also help you fully understand the coverage you’re getting down to the last detail.

Business insurance can also protect your business in various ways. You can get your property, vehicle, inventory, customers and staff covered. Take it from the popular quote, ‘prevention is always better than cure.’ So keep your workforce protected by keeping your business covered!

4 – Have lunch outs or order take out

A great way to bring a group together is through food! You can all go out to lunch collectively or by department, depending on the size of your business. This can deepen the bonds between you and your workers as well as between them.

Or for a more time-efficient way, order takeout! Depending on what good your staff usually go for, consider getting safe options like Chinese food, Italian and even a classic burger with fries and a coke!

Take away

Letting your staff know they’re valuable to the company goes a long way! So never miss an opportunity to do so. Plus now you know efficient ways to keep them happy and content, use your new-found knowledge for good!

Give your staff the workplace they deserve by adding some or all of the listed items above! Remember, happy staff, equals great outputs and outcomes. Doing so will also keep them reporting to work regularly, doing the best they can and even staying with your company indefinitely!