
Call Center VoIP Solutions – What Are Their Benefits?

Adopting VoIP technology and software has helped businesses promote their services and products without worrying about phone calling costs while calling customers. This system operates using the latest internet-based phone calling technology to get more voice traffic on the phone while being cost-efficient. 

VoIP solutions help you streamline and manage communication and daily operations with stiff competition among businesses in any industry. 

With new VoIP technology, modern businesses of all sizes can enjoy a call center solution at an affordable price because the cloud-based telephone system eliminates the need for physical lines in your company’s premises. 

Some of the numerous advantages of VoIP solutions are listed below.

Improve Efficiency 


VoIP solutions significantly improve the communication efficacy and time management in your company. Customers can reach the appropriate rep who helps resolve any issue they might face the first time. It saves time for your employees and your customers by transferring their calls correctly the first time, increasing customer satisfaction.

Auto Attendant

Hosted call center solutions, auto attendant

VoIP offers an auto-attendant feature, a voice menu that transfers calls based on pre-set options to the right rep without any interference from a human operator. This feature guides your customers through various services you provide, including your working hours, holidays, and even sends your costumes to a voice mailbox when your office is closed.

Call Queuing 

Call queue

The call queuing feature ensures that your customer’s calls are answered even if all the lines in your company are busy. The callers are held in a queue, waiting for the next available rep to assist them. Call queuing feature is important, especially for companies with limited employees who struggle to answer all incoming calls at peak times. Including on-hold music and information about their estimated waiting time keeps the customers informed, which is helpful in customer retention. 

Call Recording

Call recording

VoIP solutions offer a call recording feature that is a useful tool to improve work efficiency and provide an overall better customer experience. You can access the recording easily through your online web portal from your desktop or mobile phone. In case sensitive information like a customer’s credit card details are being provided, you have the option not to record an incoming call. 

Click to Dial

Click to call

Click to dial from CRM databases feature is for companies that maintain their contact records about people and other companies. VoIP offers your customers the option to click on a phone number directly on their computer screen and make a call to your company without the need to dial on their mobile dial pad manually. The reduced customer effort improves the customer experience.

Real-Time Monitoring 

Real-time monitoring

Call performance monitoring is an important tool for your company to improve your staff performance and ensure that your customer’s calls are answered on time. 

VoIP system’s real-time statics enables you to view:

  • The number of calls being answered daily, weekly, and monthly.
  • The number of calls being made.
  • The number of customers currently waiting in the queue.
  • The number of calls missed.
  • The average time it takes to answer a call.

Training Tools

Training tools

VoIP offers training tools to ensure that your staff is providing your customers with accurate information in a professional manner. You can use features like Barge-in, Mute, and Whisper to join the conversation between your rep and customers if necessary, listen to the interaction in real-time while on mute, and whisper supporting information to your reps without being heard by customers.

Management Reporting

Reporting tools

VoIP offers you an online management portal where you can track the overall performance of your phone system within any period. You will have access to accurate metrics, including the number of incoming and outgoing calls, number of voicemails left in the system, length of an individual phone call, and more. Like many companies, you can also access your call recording for training and quality assuage reasons. 

Increased Accessibility 

Increased Accessibility

Cloud-based VoIP offers you increased accessibility to make and receive calls from anywhere using a softphone app. Calls can be forwarded to another person, or voicemails can be emailed to you when you cannot answer them. Remote accessibility allows your company to be flexible without sacrificing employee productivity.

Flexibility with Softphones


Softphones offer more flexibility for your business because they are programs installed on your desktop or smart devices. It gives you access to features that supports working remotely. 

Here are four upsides of having softphone for your business communications:

  • Frees up desk space
  • It cuts additional equipment costs 
  • Allows greater portability 
  • Enables the workforce to be constantly connected.



A VoIP phone system offers enhanced security. VoIP can mitigate any security threats by leveraging the advancements made in IP technology, including encryption, configure automated alerts, and improved identity management. Hosted VoIP service providers work around the clock to protect your network, so you don’t have to. 

Higher Scalability 


Businesses need a phone system that grows in step with their business, and the VoIP system does just that. As your company expands, you won’t need to invest in expensive hardware or dedicated lines with a VoIP solution.

Cut Costs

Cut costs

VoIP enables your business to cut ongoing expenses like repair and maintenance fees because your VoIP service providers usually include those fees into subscription plans. This makes VoIP service an appealing proposition for growing startups and SMBs.

VoIP phone system only requires internet connection and IP telephones are all you need to run an effective business while increasing your customer satisfaction. 

Make the switch today with Free PBX. Aavaz has been helping businesses of all sizes transition from traditional phone systems to cloud-based VoIP systems that provide unified communication solutions. To learn more about services offered by Aavaz, contact Aavaz PBX now.