
Do’s and Don’Ts When Traveling With Your Pet

Traveling with your pet can be fun for both you and your furry friend but there are certain things you must be careful while taking your pet outside. Sometimes the pets get themselves involved in dangerous situations while on the go. So, to make your travels comfortable along with your pet, here are a few do’s and don’ts to keep them safe, happy, and, healthy while you travel:


The Do’s


  1. Plan




Foremost, schedule your trip so that you can halt at regular intervals because just like humans, pets also need to stretch their legs and visit a washroom. It is always better to know beforehand where the rest stops are so that you can plan out your stopovers. Also, you must be considerate about how often your pet needs to be set free to do its business so that you can accommodate that schedule into your trip. Also, make sure that you choose a pet-friendly place to eat and stay.


  1. Take Medical Precautions


Take Medical Precautions


Make sure that you save the contact number of the local veterinary emergency into your phone, in case of any mishappening. Also, if you are traveling between states, you might need an interstate health certificate. If your pet has any medical complication, carry along a copy of his medical records in case you might need to take him to a vet during your travel. Also, pack a designated first aid kit for your pet.  


  1. Tag your pet


Tag your pet


Ensure that your pet has proper identification visible on his collar to ensure his identity, and it shall prevent you from losing it at an unfamiliar place. You can also consider getting them microchipped so that they are safe even if they get out of their collar. 


  1. Your hotel research thoroughly


Your hotel research thoroughly


While searching for the hotel for your stay, it is very important to go through the hotel’s pet policy thoroughly as every hotel follows different rules for different species. Some have a weight limit while others might not allow the specific species or breed. Do not forget to inform the hotel in advance that you are traveling with a four-legged guest. It is better to be well-informed ahead of time than eventually returning from the door. 


  1. Keep them curbed


Keep them curbed


Imagine your pet is all over in the car, in one moment he is hanging out of the window, and in another moment, he is right there in your lap when you are driving. It can be dangerous. When you are traveling with your pet alone or accompanied by family or friends, the best is to buckle them up in their carrier or a car seat. This way they will be safe in case of any mishaps, also the person who is driving will not be disturbed. Do carry their toys along to keep them busy. 


  1. Enjoy!




Imagine this was your most awaited trip and now when you are there to enjoy your time do not let the bad things ruin a good time. Let your pet enjoy themselves. Having your pet as your company on your trip is the best thing ever.


The Don’ts


  1. Assume you are well-planned


Assume you are well-planned


Possibly, there will be things you might forget to pack, and therefore, it is always a good idea to jolt the things you need to prepare before hitting the road. You must ensure if you have enough food and water for your pet. Do not forget to carry the potty pad. Bringing extra cash is never a bad idea. It can save you from any unforeseen monetary lapse. 


  1. Leave your pet unattended


leave your pet unattended


Never leave your pet alone in the car thinking that you are stepping out just for a few minutes. A sudden rise in temperatures can be hazardous. In severe cases, it can lead to heart stroke to pets. When you take your pet out for a walk midst of the stopovers, do not leave them unattended, there may be harmful plants or venomous animals around. 


  1. Get Frustrated


Get Frustrated


Although it is overwhelming to take your pet along for traveling sometimes things do not go as per a plan. It is possible that your pet does not like the idea of being restrained but remember they do not understand all this. Never vent out your frustration on them. You cannot blame them for anything. Rather try to keep your calm and find the solution. 




You now have a list of the Do’s and Don’ts behind transporting on your pet. If you are not too sure or want to transport your pet across a long distance then you can opt for a pet transportation service where you can choose the driver who will transport that pet on your behalf for some feed. Otherwise, you are good to go on your own if you follow the tips we just shared.