
Ethical Hacking Methods and the Best Tools

The progression of technology may be observed in all parts of society. The rapid advancement of technology is a fact that cannot be refuted by anyone. Despite this, there are still technological problems because progress is being made in technology. Ethical hacking is used to protect systems from attacks coming from unidentified origins. There are many different approaches to hacking that are considered to be ethical. There are a variety of courses, both online and offline, that teach one how to use ethical tools and practises. The provision of these tools is made to guarantee the safety of sensitive data included inside the network and the system.

The good news is that How To Network’s Certified Ethical Hacker v11 certification training course can help you study better and get your dream job.


An Overview of Ethical Hacking

The term “ethical hacking” refers to the practise of using a hacking method that is founded on ethical or moral principles and does not have any malicious intentions. Ethical hacking refers to any sort of computer intrusion that is permitted by the owner of the system being compromised. The technique of adjusting active security measures to safeguard systems against hackers with malicious intentions regarding data privacy is known as adaptive security.

Ethical hacking techniques are security checks that a system does to investigate potential holes, breaches, and dangers to its data. These checks look for vulnerabilities. A hacker with ethical intentions breaks into the system they are targeting before any other hacker does. Security fixes are installed as a result of this cause. Because of this, the possibility of the hack being successfully carried out by the attacker is significantly diminished.

Implementing tools and strategies for ethical hacking, a hacker can get around the security measures by looking for vulnerabilities in the system. These tools can be utilised to safeguard both the user’s data and their computer systems. They offer safety and protection in any situation. There are several distinct approaches to ethical hacking that can be taken. The following are examples of some of them:

  1. Black Hat Hackers
  2. White Hat Hackers
  3. Grey Hat Hackers
  4. Miscellaneous Hackers

White Hat Hackers are known as ethical hackers, Whereas the Hackers who practise unlawful activities are known as Black Hat Hackers. They employ a wide variety of strategies and procedures to defend themselves and disrupt security systems. Through the use of footprinting techniques and ethical hacking, one is able to collect as much information as possible about the systems and networks that are being targeted.

How much a newbie gets depends on how much they know and how good they are. A good living can be made by someone who knows how to hack. Ethical hacking is in high demand and becoming more and more popular. Online ethical hacking training is a good choice for someone who wants to do well in this field.



Top Techniques for Hacking in an ethical Way

Ethical hacking could be used to test, scan, and keep data and systems safe. Ethical hacking techniques can be learned from various online resources like &, and some of those techniques are listed below.


Phishing is an attack on cyber security in which a hacker sends messages pretending to be someone you trust. Users are tricked by these types of messages into doing things like installing a malicious file or clicking on a malicious link.

A “phisher” uses public resources to find out about the victim’s personal life and work life. Then, they use this information to make a fake message that looks real.



Sniffing is the process of keeping track of and grabbing all the packets that pass through a network. Some sniffing tools are used to do this. It is also called “wiretapping” because it involves tapping phone wires to find out what is being said.

The system’s NIC is set to promiscuous mode by a sniffer.


Social Engineering

Social engineering is a way to get people to reveal information that is private. The attacker takes advantage of the people’s trust and lack of knowledge to trick them. There are three kinds of social engineering: those that involve people, mobile devices, and computers.

A social engineering attack is hard to spot because security policies are lax and there aren’t any hardware or software tools to stop it.



In this type of ethical hacking, the hacker gathers as much information as possible about the system and infrastructure they are trying to break into.

The hacker might use different tools and technologies to get information that will help him or her break into a whole system.


SQL Injection

SQL injection is an attack in which the attacker sends a SQL query or statement to a database server, which changes it as needed. An SQL injection happens when user input is not cleaned up properly before it is used in a SQL query.

SQL lets you get a response from the database in a safe way. As the table names show, it will help the hacker figure out how the database is put together.



Enumeration can also mean getting information. In this process, the attacker makes a connection with the victim in order to find as many ways to break into the system as possible.

A hacker needs to connect to the target host. First, the weak spots are tallied and evaluated. Then, it is done to look for attacks and other threats that could be aimed at the system. This is used to get the IP address, username, hostname, and password.


Tools to Help You Do Your Best Ethical Hacking

There are a lot of tools for ethical hacking that make things easier for users. Also, security investigations can be helped by tools for “ethical hacking.”



Ettercap has tools for analysing both hosts and networks. Ettercap also has the ability to snoop on an SSH connection. It lets you use API to make your own plugins. It will also let you put some characters into the server’s network or the client’s network. Ettercap lets you look at both active and passive protocols in detail.



Netsparker is the newest security scanner for web applications. It can automatically find holes in web applications. It can be purchased as a SAAS solution. The latest scanning technology is used by the Netsparker to find dead vulnerabilities. Less work is needed to set up the tool. It can quickly scan more than 1000 web applications.