
Everything About Delta 8 THC | Buyer’s Guide

What is Delta 8 THC?

Delta-8 THC is a chemical compound occuring naturally in small traces in cannabis and hemp plants. Its popularity is creating a lot of buzz, and you can find it in convenience stores and weed dispensaries alongside CBD gummies, oils, and lotions.

Is Delta-8 THC The Same As Delta-9 THC?

While delta-8 and delta-9 THC are psychoactive chemical compounds found naturally in the hemp and cannabis plants, they differ. From their chemical structures to their effects, they are not the same.

Cannabis comes loaded with delta-9, which people usually mean when they refer to THC. The compound gives you that “high” feel THC is known for, which can cause a relaxed or calm, euphoric feeling. On the other hand, Delta-8 THC also produces a “high,” but this high is much lighter than the one you’ll experience from delta-9 THC.

There are many Delta 8 THC brands out there. Binoid CBD is a premium seller of Delta 8 THC products with a tested and precise amount of cannabinoids. The brand provides you with the highest quality Delta 8 THC vapes, gummies, tinctures, capsules, and much more. Apply Binoid CBD Coupon Code to enjoy money-saving opportunities.

What Do People Feel With DELTA 8 THC?

The experiences someone might have with Delta 8 THC may differ from others. So, pay some heed if you are a first-time user. Delta 8 THC users find the high to be relaxing, mellow putting them in a calm state. They find themselves clear-headed, able to perform their tasks, and spend their day normally.

Other effects of delta-8 THC include an increased appetite. It enhances your mood, treats anxiety, and also appears to help with certain types of pain. Most users applauded how effectively it alleviates their symptoms.

In short, you can expect the following to happen when experiencing the effects of delta 8:

  • Causes a weightless feeling, like you’re floating
  • Boosts energy levels and elevates mental focus
  • Makes the user feel relaxed and chill
  • Stimulates appetite, so increases the urge to eat
  • Promotes intense relaxation


Some users report anxiety or paranoia as a symptom while consuming delta 9. That appears to fade away with delta 8. Instead, this allows for a clear headed experience. The high feeling promotes relaxation but does not cause the desire to laze around.

The most significant difference users find is that a delta 9 high might make a user out of control. While consuming delta 8 THC feels like they’re still in control. No matter the intensity of the delta 8, it doesn’t come with the “high” feeling.

When vaping delta 8, many people find that it doesn’t make them sleepy, as compared to delta 9 THC vapes. Instead, it boosts their energy levels and focuses without making their heart race or triggering anxiety.

5 Potential Benefits DELTA 8 THC Could Deliver

Let’s have a look at a few health benefits of Delta 8 THC to improve your daily life.

1. Neuroprotective effects for a healthier brain

One of the main reasons researchers have recently started to explore delta 8 THC benefits is how it acts on the brain. Some studies indicate that delta-8 THC may help people produce Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter is responsible for cognition, memory, neuroplasticity, and even arousal.

Moreover, Delta 8 THC can also increase the levels of choline, which might prove helpful in treating neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease.

2. Has been shown to boost appetite

Delta 8 THC seems to be effective at boosting appetite. Scientists found that the appetite stimulation from delta 8 THC can be twice as strong as by delta 9 THC. Also, they believed that even low doses of delta-8 THC stimulated an increase in food intake.

Have a great time while consuming Delta 8 THC! A single dose can stimulate your appetite. This property makes delta 8 THC a potential solution for people struggling with eating disorders and low appetite.

3. Little or no nausea thanks to its antiemetic effects

The 1995 study on Delta-8 THC states it has no side effects while eliminating nausea. The children undergoing chemotherapy saw a 100% success rate in eliminating their nausea over 480 treatments in total. Delta 8 THC can be used to control vomiting and nausea.

4. Analgesic properties (Treats pain)

Everyone experiences pain to different degrees. Researchers have observed that Delta-8 THC helps relieve some of that pain. Posing analgesic properties means it can relieve pain to some degree. Usually, people with neuropathic and inflammatory pain may benefit, but those with other types of pain may also benefit.

Many people are choosing delta 8 THC over other cannabinoids to relieve pain. According to some studies, it can relieve chronic pain and inflammation common in neuropathy, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

5. Better Sleep

Delta 8 THC induces a mild high than the one experienced by delta 9 THC users. The effects are the same but less potent, such as stress relief, euphoria, and sedation. These effects are helpful for people who have sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Where Can You Get Delta-8 THC?

Depending on the legal status of delta-8 in your area, you may be able to get delta-8 THC products in the following places:

  • weed dispensaries
  • health stores
  • natural food stores
  • vape shops
  • convenience store

You can also buy delta-8 in the form of oils, tinctures, gummies, and softgels.

Final Words On Delta 8 THC

Delta-8 THC is a chemical compound naturally present in cannabis and hemp plants. It produces a mild “high” or happy feeling and may reduce stress, relieve pain, and improve sleep quality. However, it may also lead to certain undesirable side effects, including dry mouth, headaches, or memory problems.

While delta-8 THC popularity is rising, the research is limited. More studies are required to understand its benefits and potential risks.