
Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant

Hair has always been an essential factor for both men and women. Depending on whether the hair is sparse or thick, the self-confidence level of the person decreases or increases. In addition, healthy hair has become a way to look attractive and vital to the opposite sex. Thus, hair loss causes loss of self-confidence and physiological problems. With the development of techniques and technology in the recent period, hair transplantation results that are closest to nature can be obtained with microsurgical instruments. Learn Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant in Dubai below.

What is a hair transplant?

It is the process of applying grafts taken from the area with solid hair roots to the site with sparse or no hair. It is an operation that hair transplant doctors and technicians perform in an operating room. It can last for 6 to 8 hours on average. The doctors usually collect hair follicles to use from the neck of the person and keep them in unique solutions.

What is the follicular unit?

The follicular unit is the elementary unit constituting the hair and can contain from 1 to 3 hairs that originate from the same follicle. As proof of this, if we shave a small portion of the scalp and observe it with a magnification system. You will keep how 1-2-3 and rarely four hairs originate from each follicular ostium. Therefore, we could compare the follicular unit to one of the many bricks that make up a building.

What is a donor and recipient site?

The donor site is usually at the back of the head or closer to the neck because hormonal changes do not affect these areas of hair growth. The regions which have thinning and balding hair are the recipient sites.  The doctors collect hair grafts from donor sites and replant them to recipient sites.

Who can get a hair transplant?

Before considering a hair transplant, you need to learn Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant and make sure that you are the suitable candidate for the treatment; consider the following:

  • Generally, age and gender are not limiting factors for hair transplant techniques. Hair transplantation in men and women’s hair transplantation procedures has almost the same.
  • It can be used on individuals from the age of 20 to 70 years old and above.
  • It can be applied successfully for people who experience baldness or want to increase their hair density.
  • The ideal candidate for hair transplantation has healthy hair follicles on the side and back of the head. These areas are the areas where the hair follicles to be transplanted are taken.
  • It is best for those who experience hair loss due to scarring, scalp injury, cosmetic surgery procedures.

Successful and healthy hair transplantation depends on having enough hair on the sides and back of the head. If there is not enough hair at these points, hair follicles can be taken from the beard and chest areas. Thanks to the hair follicles taken from these points, a successful operation can be performed with enough grafts.


In the preoperative phase, complete blood tests must be carried out according to the prescription given by the doctor. These analyses must be carried out at the latest two days before and will be consulted by the anesthesiologist.

It is also recommended to take vitamin C to strengthen the immune system and leave the hair’s usual length on the sides and back of the head.

Smoking increases the risk of postoperative complications. It is highly recommended to stop smoking one month before the operation. Do not take any medications containing aspirin for the previous three weeks. 

The patient should wash his hair on the morning of the surgery. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia.


The treatment follows the following steps:

Anesthesia Application:

Before the hair transplantation process, local anesthesia is applied to the area to be taken with the help of a needle-free pressurized apparatus. People do not feel any pain during the operation.

Light sedation may be preferred for guests who do not want the feeling of local anesthesia. With this light sedation, where the person is conscious and able to speak, it is ensured that the person does not remember the painful process.

Collection of Hair Roots:

Hair on the back and sides of the scalp in men and women is programmed to grow throughout life. Grafts taken from these donor areas are transplanted to bald spots. After the hair transplant, the transplanted hair starts to develop normally.

Removing hair follicles is a stage that requires attention and expertise. Hair follicles healthily extracted from the donor area are separated into single, double, and triple hair follicles. Hair follicles prepared for the transplantation phase are kept in a particular sterile solution.


In order to plant the hair follicles in the determined areas, small incisions are made in which each hair follicle will be placed in the first stage. The incisions are made with modern and effective equipment and shortened recovery time.

After the grooving phase, which considers the natural growth direction of the hair, the hair follicles are placed in the opened channels one by one.

In the DHI method, the grooving and sowing stages are carried out simultaneously with a special pen apparatus.

What happens after the transplant is done?

The first three days after the operation are essential for the attachment of the transplanted hair follicles. In this process, it is necessary to be careful against contact and impacts:

  • It is recommended to avoid vigorous physical activities for about one week.
  • Small crusts and itching in the planting area may continue for ten days. According to the instructions, the hair should be washed every day for ten days as specified.
  • A significant part of the transplanted hair falls out at the end of the first month. The transplanted hair starts to grow between 2-3 months, and the growth rate is the same in the transplanted area and the previous hair area.
  • At the end of 12 months, the hair starts to look natural, and this situation lasts for a lifetime.

Contrary to other known surgical procedures, complications in hair transplantation are infrequent. The specialist informs the patient about the whole process at the consultation stage.

What are the results of transplants?

Since we’ve covered Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant, the final essential information is what kind of results you’ll get. The hair begins to appear after about four months, and a definitive outcome can be observed around six months to a year. Additional sessions are possible if deemed necessary.