
Everything You Need to Know About NBN Broadband Plans

With the goal of providing a fast, stable, and reliable internet connection to every household in Australia, the government-funded the National Broadband Network. The project aims to replace and upgrade the older and outdated infrastructure currently being used to deliver internet to most households. This article concentrates on everything you need to know about the NBN.

NBN Connection

As soon as NBN is already available in your vicinity, all you need to do is to connect to it. To access it though, you still need to subscribe to a plan offered by a certain internet service provider. Just make sure to compare the best NBN plans to ensure that you are subscribing to a plan that will suit your needs and preferences in terms of speed and data. Rest assured that internet service providers such as Telstra, Optus, iiNet, or Aussie Broadband among others offer different plans in various speed tiers.

NBN Technology Types

NBN provides various technology types and the one that you will be subscribed to depends on which will be rolled out in your vicinity. The technology type will also have a significant impact on the speed of your internet connection. Among the technology types available, Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) is considered as the best one, yielding the fastest connection. Unfortunately, you won’t have the option to choose which technology type will be implemented in your region.

NBN Speeds

NBN comes in various speed tiers, which include the Basic, Standard, Fast, Superfast, and Ultrafast speeds. The speed ranges from 12Mbps all the way to 1000Mbps. Nevertheless, the actual speeds that you will get to enjoy will still depend on the provider that you engage with as well as the congestion during the peak hours or which is commonly referred to as the typical evening speeds that the plans promise. All locations powered by the FTTP connection technology can power speeds up to 1000Mbps plans or those under the Ultrafast speed tier.

NBN Evening Speeds

As previously discussed, the NBN evening speeds are generally a bit slower than the maximum speed stated in the plan. For instance, you may expect that a plan in the Basic speed tier should be able to provide 12Mbps. However, during the peak hours or the most congested period, you may only be able to enjoy up to 7Mbps. This is also the case for the other speed tiers such that a plan in the Ultrafast speed tier which has the potential to offer up to 1000Mbps may only yield a typical evening speed of 250Mbps.

The Bottomline

In case NBN is already rolled out in your area, make sure to identify the speed and the data allocation that you need for you to be able to compare the plans in that speed tier accordingly. In this way, you will be able to ensure that you are getting the right plan that will be able to suit your connectivity needs. Rest assured that the technology behind the NBN project is continuously being enhanced to further improve the speed and connection that you are currently enjoying.