
Find the Best Canada Immigration Consultants & Protect from Fraud

There are numerous ways to begin your application to immigrate to Canada, but perhaps the most important step is to determine which Canada immigration pathway is best for you, rather than which option is the most popular or has the best results. How do you go about doing this? There are two options: visit the Government website and sift through over 100 immigration visas and programs to determine which is the best potential option to get you permanent residency in Canada, or hire a reputable immigration consultant to help guide you through the entire immigration process to Canada.

However, there are so many opportunistic scam artists out there these days trying to take advantage of immigration applicants that it has become difficult to distinguish between real and fake immigration agencies and consultants. So, how can you tell if your chosen immigration consultant is trustworthy or not?


How Should I Select a Canada Immigration Consultant?

Regulated Canadian consultant services should be honest and realistic when it comes to determining the best path to the desired destination. Experienced migration consultant services for Canada will anticipate mistakes and make the appropriate recommendations to increase the likelihood of moving to the desired location. They should make the process as simple as possible. Finding a suitably qualified consultant, on the other hand, is one of the most difficult tasks to complete. You can also learn about open work permit Canada.

The following are some considerations to help you choose the best consultants:

  1. The Consultant should be authorized by the Canadian government.
  • The Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council must be registered with the Canadian immigration consultant (ICCRC). A certificate of authorization is issued to ICCRC-approved consultants. The license number begins with an “R” and is followed by six digits.
  1. Authorized Consultations should offer a variety of solutions.
  • Assume you do not qualify for a permanent resident visa. In that case, the consultant should outline the options that will allow you to enter Canada temporarily or permanently. They should be able to explain how a temporary visa can assist you in obtaining permanent residency.
  1. The Consultant should be familiar with the Canadian market.
  • Your work history is the most important factor in Canadian immigration. A good consultant will compare your previous job experience to market standards in Canada. The critical factor is identifying the Canadian occupational code, failure to which can result in the application being denied.
  1. The Consultant must be aware of any changes to the immigration process.
  • It is critical to research and comprehends the laws governing the immigration process. A minor change can result in a significant opportunity for anyone seeking immigration to Canada.
  1. The consultant should rely on a specialized team for assistance.
  • Having a team of consultants on your side can help you understand your chances of success even in the most difficult cases.


How Can You Spot a Fraudulent Immigration Consultant?

Tips to Avoid Fraudulent Behavior:

  • Save yourself from things that appear to be too good to be true.
  • Using any representative does not mean that the immigration process will be sped up.
  • Consult with those who encourage you to seek incorrect information.
  • It is a violation of the law. If you follow any immigration process to Canada, you may be deported or denied entry.
  • Even if you are forced to, do not sign the blank forms.
  • If you don’t understand anything about the terms and conditions, request a translation or a list of things to learn.
  • Protect your money:
  • The government will never ask you to deposit a specific amount into a personal account.
  • The government fee is in Canadian dollars and is the same regardless of location.
  • Request a signed receipt whenever you pay your representative.


Best Canada Immigration Consultants to Make Your Immigration Process Easier

Canada is more than just maple syrup and ice hockey; it is a land of vast opportunities where millions relocate each year, which is why a Canada immigration consultant is so important! You will need a valid Canadian visa to enter the country before you begin your move. It goes without saying that with thousands of applications submitted each year, not all will be accepted.

Many people believe that obtaining a Canadian visa is as simple as checking a few boxes. Nothing could be further from the truth! Because of COVID, immigration restrictions have been particularly strict. For a variety of reasons, thousands of visa applicants are denied entry into Canada. These range from failing to provide supporting documentation to incorrectly filling out required details.

As a result, if you want to increase your chances of obtaining a Canadian visa, we recommend hiring a Canadian immigration consultant. Their wealth of knowledge and years of experience can aid in the strengthening of your application. Not to mention, a strong application increases your chances of receiving your desired visa.



Coryez is a top Canadian immigration consulting firm. This immigration consulting firm offers a wide range of services to ex-pats, students, families, and other visitors looking to relocate to Canada. Every day, ImmigCanada’s team of highly experienced immigration professionals assists hundreds of clients in successfully applying for Canadian visas. We’ve compiled a list of our top picks best consultancy for Canada immigration.