Home ImprovementLifestyle

Home Security Tips You Should Do At All Times

More than a million burglaries took place in the United States in 2018 alone and that’s a startling statistic. Though drawing your blinds at night and keeping price electronics out of sight are great steps, there are even more ways to protect your home. You can rely on gadgets like CCTV cameras to make sure your home is safe.

Your home is typically one of your most valuable possessions as well as everything inside it. It’s an investment you want to feel secure about. In order to help create a secure environment for your loved ones, implement basic best practices around home security to help prevent potential dangers from outside people or situations from coming in.

Home security is a priority for many families. Before choosing where to live, one of the first things that people consider is the safety of their community. First, they look into crime rates before considering other factors such as fire department and police officer locations and public school ratings.

It isn’t enough to simply consider these statistics from a community-wide perspective though – homeowners also need to think about the home itself and what other security measures can be taken to keep people safe inside the house or on the grounds if there are children or animals in residence.

Here are some tips to ensure security for your home:

Secure Your Doors

It’s important not to let strangers get too close to your door, so make sure you’re controlling who enters and exits the premises when possible. Make sure your entrance doors aren’t ajar, that their frames are strong, that the hinges are protected and there isn’t enough space for someone to push in some thin paper or cardboard through the mail slot to reach in and unlock the deadbolt from inside.

If you have visitors at any point, it’s better for them if they ring the doorbell and identify themselves before entering. It’s amazing how many burglars walk right into people’s houses because they see an open door and just think “this place is abandoned”.

Improve Outdoor Lighting

Home security should be at the top of every homeowner’s list. We know that security is especially important for families that have children at home, so it can help your family to feel safer to install motion-sensitive exterior lighting on the outside of your house and in certain key parts.

Motion-sensitive exterior lighting can provide a sense of extra security and make it appear as though someone is always home while helping light up unoccupied areas to deter potential thieves or burglars looking to break into a property.

Ask Strangers For IDs

If a landscaper knocks on your door saying the tree in your front yard is dangerous, you should ask to see his business card. Having this information will allow you to email him later and check if it is indeed legitimate when they don’t have to be home in the first place, nor are they any kind of emergency service that requires immediate access without being able to verify.

The same principle applies if someone says he/she is from a gas company or even police officers who want entry into your house: ask for ID and get all details about the person/agency and call them back to confirm before allowing anyone who’s unknown into your home.

Install a Security System

Choosing a home security system is very important because it protects you, your valuables, and your lifetime investment. There are many systems available to choose from depending on your budget, a selected level of protection, and comfortability with the product.

Get some advice from professionals at a police station (they can give you crime information based on local statistics) to help you determine what kind of protection you might need for your new home.

Key Takeaway

Creating a home safe is possible with these tips. A good, surveillance alarm system can create a short but effective scare tactic and put an end to potential burglars before they begin their attack, along with giving you peace of mind as well. This is especially helpful for those of us who don’t live in such high-crime areas.

There are also many small things we can do to help out as well, like investing in new locks for your doors or even cameras so that you can monitor the premises yourself when you’re at work or anywhere else as a form of protection.