
How Personalized Recommendations Can Boost Your E-commerce Business


Personalized recommendations can help you boost your e-commerce business. They allow you to give shoppers a more customized experience and to increase the relevance of your offers.

Personalization can also be used to increase sales by generating more relevant recommendations and closing the loop on abandoned shopping carts. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to personalize recommendations, so let’s go over some best practices for using this strategy successfully in your online store.

Customers want to know they’ve been heard.

Customers want to know they’ve been heard. They want to feel like their needs are being met, and that you understand them. They want to be sure that you care about them as individuals, not just as customers or prospects.

Personalized recommendations can help with all of these things: they let customers know that you’ve listened to their feedback, which makes them feel valued and respected; they allow your business to meet unique needs in an efficient way (which makes it easier for customers),

while also giving them options based on what matters most–in other words, helping them get what’s best for them; finally, personalized recommendations give the impression of being tailored specifically for each person–and who doesn’t like feeling special?

Customers want to be understood.

Customers want to be understood. They want to feel like their needs and wants are important, and that you understand what they are looking for.

Online shoppers are more likely than ever before to leave a website if they don’t get the right experience on the first try.

According to a 2016 survey by Forrester Research, 77% of online shoppers abandon sites that don’t meet their expectations within five seconds of landing on them; this number jumps up to 90% when it comes down time between pages or screens (known as “bounce rate”).

Customers want to be surprised with personalized offers.

Customers want to feel special, and personalized offers are a great way to make them feel that way. In addition, customers want to feel like they’re getting a deal on something they really want. Personalized offers can help you accomplish both of these goals by surprising customers with something unexpected–which is exactly what they want!

To successfully implement personalized recommendations in your e-commerce business:

  • Make sure the offer is relevant and valuable for the customer. If it’s not relevant or valuable enough for them to click on it, then there’s no point in making it personalizable at all (or at least not until you’ve improved its quality).
  • Consider whether or not there will be enough demand for this type of product before creating one; otherwise you may end up losing money by producing things nobody wants or needs right now (and possibly forever).

Personalization can increase the relevance of your recommendations and sales.

Personalization can help you increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

When customers feel like they’re getting personalized recommendations, they are more likely to buy from you.

This is because personalized content is more relevant to them, which means they’ll be more likely to engage with it–and ultimately make a purchase if the product fits their needs.

Improve your business by better understanding what your customers want and need.

Personalization can help you:

  • Increase the relevance of your recommendations and sales.
  • Understand what your customers want and need.
  • Improve customer satisfaction by providing them with a more personalized shopping experience.


The bottom line is that personalization is a powerful tool that can help you improve your e-commerce business. Whether you’re looking to increase sales or retain customers, personalization can be the key to achieving your goals.

It’s important to remember that this isn’t something you do once and then forget about–it’s an ongoing process that requires constant attention and tweaking as your customers’ needs change over time. But if done right, personalized recommendations can help turn visitors into repeat buyers who keep coming back for more!