
How to Improve Your Posture: A Back Doctor’s Guide to Posture Improvement

Anyone who has ever spent time sitting in front of a computer can attest to the negative side effects of an extended period of time staring at a screen. The strain that comes from constantly looking upwards, combined with the unnatural angles of a desk or laptop, can take a toll on your back and neck. Posture is something we are all aware of, but few of us have the motivation to correct it. Fortunately, improving posture requires little more than awareness and patience. Read on for tips from a licensed back doctor on how you can improve your posture as soon as today.

Stand up when you’re at work

Standing is one of the best exercises you can do for your back and overall health. While standing can be a bit awkward at first, it will get much easier with practice. Also, standing can be done anywhere, making it a more convenient option when you’re sitting at work all day. For those of us who are used to sitting all day, we tend to fall into the habit of sitting a bit too much. It can be easy to forget, but sitting is not good for your back. Standing up and walking around every so often can get your blood flowing and keep your muscles toned. It is important to stand up as often as possible, even if you have to sit back down to make room for it.

Sit up straight when you’re at work

Lying down is great for relaxation, but it also takes away an important opportunity for back health. When you are at work, your body is constantly sitting up. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this and allow your back to be strengthened. To sit up straight, make sure that your back is straight and your shoulders are back. Hold the back of your chair or desk so that you are straight while you are sitting. You may find that it is easier to sit up straight if you take a couple of small steps backward.

Be aware of your sitting habits

While standing to sit up straight is a simple technique that you can use anytime you are sitting, it is important to be aware of your habits. Sitting for long periods of time is one of the worst things you can do to your back. You should be switching between sitting and standing often while you are at work. Try to take a break every 15 minutes or so to stretch your back and walk around a bit.

Flex your muscles while sitting

When you are sitting, your muscles should not be as tense as they normally would be standing. As you sit, you may find that you are holding your back rigidly and you are relaxing the muscles on the tops of your thighs. This is because sitting causes your muscles to become very tense and they will feel sore if you flex them too much. This should be avoided, so you should try to relax as much as possible while you are sitting.

Always try to stand while working

This may seem like a silly tip, but it can actually be a huge help. Many people are so used to sitting that they forget that they have legs. When you are sitting, it is easy to forget that you have legs, so it is important to remember that they are there. Standing up while you are working will allow you to take advantage of your legs and strengthen them. This will help you avoid issues with your back in the long run.

Don’t be afraid to bend and twist while working

It can be a little intimidating to bend down and twist while you are working, but it is an important part of improving your posture. Modern life can cause your posture to become very rigid, especially with the hours that many people spend at their desks. Sitting for long periods of time has been shown to cause your posture to become very rigid, possibly due to muscle fatigue. Always attempt to bend and twist while you are working to break up the monotony of sitting. Bending down and twisting your neck around can re-distribute the weight of your head and prevent soreness.

Take breaks and live life normally

Taking breaks and moving around can prevent you from becoming too stiff from sitting. Stiff muscles are more prone to injury and are more likely to cause you pain while you are working. You should try to get up and move around while you are at work as often as you can. You should also try to take small breaks every so often to stretch your back and loosen up your muscles.


Posture is something that most of us are aware of, but few of us have the motivation to correct it. Fortunately, improving posture requires little more than awareness and patience. Stand up when you’re at work. Sit up straight when you’re at work. Be aware of your sitting habits. Flex your muscles while sitting. Always try to stand while working. Don’t be afraid to bend and twist while working. Take breaks and live life normally.