Home Improvement

How to Prepare Your Roof for Winter?

There is no doubt that winter can be an incredible season, but it can also be harsh on your home, especially your roof, due to the cold weather. The cold temperatures, snow, and ice can cause damage if your roof isn’t properly prepared. 

As a roofing contractor in Orange County, we’ve seen the damage that winter can do to a roof that hasn’t been properly maintained. In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to prepare your roof for winter.

  • Inspect Your Roof

Taking care of your roof in preparation for winter starts with inspecting it to see if any damage has been done to it. Take a look at the flashing for any cracks, missing or damaged shingles, and any other signs of wear and tear you might find. If you notice any issues, it’s important to have them repaired before winter arrives. As a siding contractor in Orange County, we can also inspect your siding for any damage and make repairs as needed.

  • Clean Your Gutters

Your roof can be damaged if water becomes trapped in your gutters and then backs up. Before winter arrives, make sure your gutters are clean and free of debris. If you’re not comfortable cleaning your gutters yourself, consider hiring a professional to do it for you. To ensure long-term protection from the elements, it is wise to inspect siding and gutters regularly and make any necessary repairs or cleaning as soon as possible.

  • Trim Overhanging Branches

As a result of snow and ice accumulating under the overhanging branches of your trees, they can break and cause damage to your roof if they break. Before winter arrives, trim any branches that are close to your roof. That’s one way to stop the snow and ice from piling up–just give the trees a haircut!

  • Check Your Attic Insulation

Proper attic insulation can help prevent heat from escaping through your roof, which can cause ice dams to form. Make sure your attic is properly insulated, and if it is not, add more insulation to it. As a siding contractor in Ulster County, we can also inspect your siding for any gaps that may be letting cold air into your home.

  • Install Roof Heating Cables

Roof heating cables can help prevent ice dams from forming on your roof. They work by melting the snow and ice before it has a chance to accumulate. If you live in an area with heavy snowfall, consider installing roof heating cables before winter arrives.

  • Schedule a Professional Inspection

If you’re not comfortable inspecting your roof yourself, consider hiring a professional to do it for you. A professional residential roofing installation in Orange County can identify any issues and make repairs before winter arrives. That way, you can make sure your roof is ready for winter, and it won’t be a case of “cold feet”!

  • Seal Any Leaks

Even small leaks can cause big problems during the winter months. Before winter arrives, check your roof for any leaks and have them repaired by a professional roofing contractor in Orange County.

  • Remove Debris

Debris on your roof can cause damage during the winter months. Before winter arrives, remove any debris, such as leaves or branches, from your roof. For instance, if debris accumulates and holds water on your roof, it can lead to water leaks and other damage when the temperature drops.

  • Check Your Chimney

If you have a chimney, make sure it’s in good condition before winter arrives. Have it inspected by a professional and make any necessary repairs.

  • Check Your Ventilation

In order to prevent condensation in your attic, proper ventilation is important to prevent moisture buildup in the attic. Before winter arrives, make sure your ventilation is working properly. For example, if your roof has a ridge vent, make sure it is free of debris and that the baffles are installed correctly to ensure air flows properly.

  • Keep Your Roof Clear of Snow and Ice

If you live in an area with heavy snowfall, it’s important to keep your roof clear of snow and ice. Roof rakes can be used to remove snow from your roof, but be careful not to damage your shingles. If you have an ice dam, do not try to remove it yourself. Instead, contact a professional commercial roofing installation in Orange County to remove it safely.


Preparing your roof for winter can help prevent damage and save you money in the long run. By following these tips, you will be able to prepare your roof for whatever winter brings your way. 

If you need help preparing your roof for winter, contact us at dmringcontracting.com. We offer commercial roofing installation in Orange County and can help you with all your roofing needs. Remember, a little preparation now can go a long way in protecting your home during the winter months.