
Is It Possible To Overcome Tooth Extraction By Invisalign?

Don’t you want an attractive, beautiful and uniform smile? But what if your dentist suggests tooth extraction? It can affect your entire facial appearance and self-esteem level as well. Prior to undergo extraction you can try out the treatment of Invisalign in London. Along with correcting a range of orthodontic problems it diminishes the essentiality of tooth extraction as well if it is possible to fix.

It is certainly not one-size-fits-all like treatment which is why you have to visit the orthodontist to inquire if your problem can be restored by this clear aligner. However, at present let’s try to find the answer whether the necessity of tooth extraction can be overcome by Invisalign or not from this blog!

What is an Invisalign?

A spectrum of orthodontic problems can be corrected by Insvialign in discreet manner if compared to traditional braces. It is the greatest leap in the orthodontics that changed the perspectives of both orthodontists and the patients. In general the treatment comprises of sets of custom-made clear aligner which have to worn by the patients for long 22 hours on the teeth.

It fits snugly and exerts gentle pressure on teeth so that they move to their respective position. In the meantime of expected treatment period, you can observe that the teeth are set in their ideal place perfectly. It performs in the similar way a brace does painlessly and causing no harm to the gums.

It is not made from metal brackets and wires and thus there is nothing to worry about tightening and experiencing any soreness in your mouth.     

How an Invisalign mainly performs?

During your initial appointment a scan will be performed digitally for taking your teeth impression. In accordance of the image, blueprints will be created for the custom aligner to fit your teeth perfectly.

The aligner fabrication may consume about three weeks to get finished and ready to use. Once the aligner is completely ready you have to visit the clinic once again to try on them and check if any further adjustment is needed.

Sometimes a couple of attachments are also applied holding the aligner firmly in its desired position. These are available in tiny dots crafted from the material of dental bonding. The aligner is passed through the attachments so that it fits perfectly on the teeth.

In every couple of weeks you have to change the old aligner with a new set as per the requirements of the treatment. Also, the treatment is monitored by the dentist in the meanwhile at the same time. Don’t hesitate to visit or call your dentist for highlighting any concern or any symptoms you are experiencing at present.

Invisalign functions tirelessly until the desired outcome is attained. As every patient has to replace the aligner after a week or two it is expected that the teeth get shifted a quarter of millimetres in this period. The whole plan can consume from a few months to 18 months approximately. 

By putting on the aligner for long 22 hours, the treatment plan will be on track and the desired result can be achieved soon too! It is suggested that the patient should remove the aligner only at the time of practising oral care regime and meal.

Inability to put on the aligner for the mentioned time period can hinder the progress and affect the treatment plan. Even, it can complicate the condition more leading to the declination of oral health. 

Which dental problems can an Invisalign correct?

Invisalign has the ability to fix a number of dental issues. Some of them are mentioned here:

  • Crossbites
  • Underbites
  • Gapped teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overcrowded teeth

In what ways Invisalign avoid the necessity of tooth extraction?

Before assuming anything, it is better to visit a dentist who will conduct a dental exam especially X-ray to inspect the present dental condition. Accordingly, it will be determined whether Invisalign can diminish the necessity of extraction or not!

Invisalign acts greatly to expand the dental arch for allowing the teeth to get shifted in its respective position if overcrowding is the cause. The crowding level is also figured out for the determination of the best custom treatment plan as per extra space you require. 

In order to treat the overcrowding issue sometimes teeth have to be slenderised a bit! Usually it is performed when the teeth already start shifting and adequate space is needed for its position. This process involves the removal of teeth portion slightly enabling the space for the shifted teeth. Besides offering immediate results, it eradicates the essentiality of extraction completely. 

However, if extraction is suggested to treat the decayed tooth then Invisalign is not going to be effective at all. The same is applicable for other major dental complications like tooth infection and broken tooth. Primarily, the function of the Invsialign is to straighten crooked and misaligned teeth to avoid overcrowding.

Tooth extraction can be substituted by a dental implant or bridge easily if it has to be done due to aesthetic reasons. Also, patient can regard the orthodontics as the cosmetic dentistry whilst it is about straightening crooked teeth. The necessity of dental care varies from patient to patients thereby visiting a dentist is significant!          

Are you an eligible candidate?

If any individual is suffering from mild crooked teeth, gapped teeth or crowding Invisalign is the best solution to correct these problems. Furthermore, Invisalign is only for the responsible patients as this treatment involves self-disciplined lifestyle. Patients have to pop in the aligner for long 22 hours on a daily basis to observe its outcome. 

Which problems can’t be fixed by Invisalign?

Invisalign can’t be the right solution for excessive crowded teeth, lowered or raised teeth (extrusion or intrusion) and potential malocclusion. Moreover, it fails badly to correct the impacted or unerupted teeth as well.

Although it is the most effective in most cases certain issues won’t get fixed by it. That’s why you are recommended to visit your dentist to check if your issue can be restored by this clear aligner.   

To know more about the treatment of Invisalign then you have to arrange an initial consultation with the Invisalign treatment dentist in London. On checking your dental condition the right option will be provided to you for correcting your dental problem. Book an appointment today!

Author Bio:

Nicholas Hartley is a professional blogger with much curiosity in reading and gathering information. He has a great interest in education, health and lifestyle and wants to aware the people through his well-curated blogs and articles.