
Is It Really Amplifying the Brostrend Extender Wi-Fi Range Existing Network?

The Brodstrend Extender really boosts and amplifies the Existing Wi-Fi range. It mainly encourages the high speed of the internet in dead-zones areas. This Extender covers the whole home even if it delivers the Wi-Fi network in each and every corner of the home. You can connect up to twenty and more devices with the Brostrend Extender. It extends the Wi-Fi range using smart network technology. Through the web-based system, you can easily manage and control your Brostrend extender. It Expands the existing Wi-Fi speed up to 1200 sq. feet.

It repeats the Wi-Fi range using the 2.4GHz and 5GHz technology. This extender network reaches the long distancing areas very easily. Its smart Wi-Fi signal quickly catches the Existing Wi-Fi network. This range extender has an Ethernet cable and power adapter. Using the WPS button, you can also do the Brostrend setup. The Brostrend extender is a wall plugging device. You can plugin this extender in the wall outlet and access this extender network on your Electronic gadgets.

Uses of the Brostrend Extender

The Brostrend range Extender is mainly used as a router network extension client. It can access the existing WiFi network and again amplify and boost the Wi-Fi speed in dead zones and large areas. The Brostrend Extender is the main way to fix the router’s various issues regarding the Wi-Fi range. You can use this extender network on twenty and more electronic devices such as laptops, computers, mobile phones, android phones, IP cameras, or tablets. Without having the router network, the extender is unuseful. It can resolve the internet slow issue.

You can also use this extender to get the high speed of the internet. Using the Brostrend Extender network you can stream the online videos without any networking issue. This extender fulfills all networking needs of your home, offices, small businesses, or industries. Using the web browser you can easily access the web page of this Extender.

Installation Process

To install this range extender at first you can unbox this extender. After this, decide on an open and cool place for this extender, but which is closer to or nearby to the location of the router. From here it can access the router network very easily and again amplify the Wi-Fi range at a high-speed. Then, plug in your range extender in a wall switch outlet. You can also set the Brostrend extender antennas for catching the Wi-Fi network quickly. Now, turn on the power of the extender and look at the gateway of the extender the power light will be flashing. Also, you turn on your PC and connect the Extender Wi-Fi network on your PC using the Security password.

Connect the Brostrend Extender network on the Wireless device

If you want to get the Wi-Fi network on your wireless devices such as computers, laptops, or more devices. Simply, open your PC and you can go into the Wi-Fi setting option. Look on your PC screen and there are various wi-fi network name displays. You can choose or select your Extender Wi-Fi name. After that, you can connect this network to your PC using the Wi-Fi security password. Fill in the security password in the password field. Then, click on the Connect option and check or verify your PC network status.

Access the Brostrend using the Web page

To access the Brostrend Extender login page using the Web page. First and foremost, connect your PC to the internet and open a web browser. Then, search the IP or Web browser URL bar. The login page is buffering now you can wait for a few seconds. You can now look on your PC the login box appears. To complete the login process you can fill in the login box your Extender admin username and password. Then, hit the enter key or click on the login option. Finally, the Brostend Extender login process is successfully completed.

Final Words

The Brostrend extender provides a dual-band Wi-Fi signal network. It can usually connect to multiple devices. After accessing the login web page you can quickly manage the Brostrend Extender setup. This Extender is must use for long distancing areas to get the Existing router Wi-Fi range. You can reset this Extender using the WPS button. The WPS button is properly reset to the factory default setting within two minutes. The smart LED light indicator blinks the green color solid light when your network is properly connected with the Existing Wi-Fi router network.

How To Expand The WIFI Range Using The Rangextd Device?