
Kariong Dental: Sleep Dentistry Options and Information

Pain during treatment is the number one concern for most patients when they visit the dentist. Often it is the main reason patients try and avoid the dentist, which puts their oral health at risk.


Dentist Gosford at Kariong Dental, we do our best to put your mind at ease and make your dental procedure as comfortable and pain-free as possible. We offer nitrous oxide gas (happy gas) and IV sedation so you can relax and keep your anxiety at bay.


No matter what treatment you receive (sedation or not) we administer anaesthetic injections to numb the surrounding area. We even apply a numbing cream before giving you the injection, to lessen the pain.


However, depending on the level of treatment you need and your anxiety levels, we offer sedation services ranging from IV sedation (Sleep Dentistry) to Inhalation sedation (Happy Gas)


Different Kinds of Sedation Methods Available at Kariong Dental Care:


Inhalation Sedation (Happy Gas)


Inhalation sedation, also known and happy or laughing gas, is a method of sedation that helps the patients to keep calm and relaxed whilst their treatment is being done. The effect comes on very rapidly, but also the sedative wears off quickly so you are back to full functionality straight after your treatment.


The gas is a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen which is given to the patient via an inhalation mask. It is completely safe to use and of course, you will be under the supervision of our dentally trained professionals at all times. It is a preferred choice of sedation for patients who are rather nervous or anxious about receiving dentistry treatment.


Oral Sedatives


There is also an option for patients to take an oral sedative in the form of a tablet before their appointment. The oral sedatives are prescribed by our dental professionals and taken 1 hour before your treatment.


The oral sedatives enable you to feel calm and relaxed throughout your treatment, whilst retaining control of your reflexes and ability to understand and act upon instructions.


The oral medication takes a while to wear off, you will need someone to escort you home afterward.


IV Sedation (Sleep Dentistry)


IV Sedation is where the patient is fully sedated but does not lose consciousness. It is different to general anaesthetic used in surgery. IV sedation puts the patient in a very relaxed, sleep-like state which allows you to sleep or doze throughout your procedure.


Even though you retain some consciousness, you will not feel any pain.


Whilst under sedation you will be supervised fully by a medical professional. An anaesthetist practitioner will be with you at all times monitoring your blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen. You will maintain control of all of your reflexes and we can easily wake you so you can understand and follow instructions.


Although you will be fully conscious after the procedure is finished, you may experience some lingering drowsiness. So, it is advisable to ensure there is someone who can take you home.


Kariong Dental Care offers many sedation methods to suit the needs of all of our customers. We don’t want you to feel anxious or nervous about your treatment, so please speak to us about sedation methods, and which one may work best for you.


Looking after your teeth and maintaining your dazzling smile should not be a painful experience. We make our customers as relaxed and as comfortable as possible, with experts on hand to answer any questions you might have and support you throughout your treatment.


Dentist Central Coast at Kariong Dental Care, we offer compassionate pain prevention methods and a dentistry service that makes you smile!