

The Writing sub-exam is a 45-minute profession-specific writing test. Each profession has one task based on a real workplace setting and the demands of the profession – a nurse completes the task for nursing, a dentist completes the task for dentistry, and so on. The task of composing a letter is included in the writing portion. This letter is almost always a recommendation letter. A letter of transfer or a letter of discharge are two other letters that may request. Other examples of alternative letters include a letter to counsel or instruct a patient, frequently requested by professions such as pharmacy, veterinary science, or occupational therapy. The test, which includes let-writing, is designed to assess your ability to communicate through writing in real-world situations. If you register for OET in the Nursing professional category, a transfer letter may be one of the possibilities for your writing test. You will be given supporting details in the form of case notes and other relevant paperwork in addition to the letter prompt.


How can I increase my Writing sub-test performance?


Our Writing sub-test developers and assessors have discovered several areas for improvement related to a large percentage of applicants at each test session. We hope you find them helpful. Strong candidates may tailor their written communication to the many scenarios and readers they will experience during the test. Candidates who rely on approaches that worked for other tasks in the past are less likely to perform well on the test. The Writing Test Information Page explains how the Writing sub-test is graded in great detail. You will grade Writing based on how quickly and effectively the intended reader can get the information they need from your letter. That will affect the language you use, the order in which you prioritise information, and the structure of your message. The OET Writing activities are designed to allow you to use your understanding of language that is regularly used in healthcare settings. As a result, it’s important to examine frequent expressions regularly to ensure that you can use them correctly. The OET Writing task assesses your ability to write a letter appropriate for the occasion. It is not required to repeat the case notes entirely or provide a chronological summary. Prepare to choose and organise material in a way that effectively and appropriately informs the reader. Before you start writing, make a quick checklist of questions to assist you in analysing a task. The questions are designed to assist you in prioritising the most significant aspects of the case notes and efficiently organising the information in your letter. Reread what you’ve written from the perspective of the target reader after you’ve finished. Check to see if you understand what you need to do. Check to verify if you’ve included everything relevant from the case notes if it’s not evident. The Writing sub-test will, unsurprisingly, assess writing abilities with each professional’s needs (medicine, physiotherapy, nursing, etc.). Most of the time, you’ll be asked to compose a referral letter while following the work instructions and using the case notes provided. 

In OET WRITING SAMPLE  – You will be given five minutes to read at the start of the OET Writing sub-test. Make good use of it by carefully reading the assignment instructions and paying attention to important details. You should figure out who you’re writing to and why; with this information, it’ll be easier to choose case notes relevant to the reader. Small details can influence how you write the letter; for example, whether or not the medical practitioner is familiar with the patient is critical.


How to improve OET writing-  


The writing test format varies by profession. It indicates that did the test under the examinee’s profession. Another aspect is that the test format for the OET writing module is the same regardless of the test taker’s occupation. On test day, it’s usually always the third test. The assignment is to compose a professional letter about a medical topic.

It has a different healthcare setting. Hence the case notes are different. That means that the must individualise the letter by deciding what to write, how to write it, and how to avoid using canned responses that may not be appropriate for the situation. OET WRITING SAMPLE – The writing assignment follows the case notes. Read the writing job first when the reading time begins because it contains the most significant information.




It isn’t only a matter of arranging the paragraphs in the most logical order for the reader. You should also ensure that no vital elements are omitted from the paragraph. Should use the same logic in the order of your sentences. The most crucial information for that paragraph is contained in the first sentence, followed by the second most important sentence, and so on.