
8 Reasons To Leverage Whatsapp For Event Management

Keeping up with technological developments and switching to platforms or solutions that enable you to achieve the greatest commercial benefits are essential in the digital events sector. And there is no other medium like WhatsApp for quick and efficient communication. Recognizing the platform’s efficacy, all of the largest brands in the world have switched to Whatsapp to meet their marketing and communication objectives. You can now accomplish a lot more using Whatsapp in terms of event notification, registration, tickets, and promotion. Consider using WhatsApp automation for your event planning for a variety of reasons, some of which are listed below:

Event Ticketing

With the help of this service, people can quickly reserve their spots for the day and take in the event without having to spend hours waiting in lines. It’s exactly like purchasing movie tickets! Users may simply share their booking receipts via a variety of channels, including WhatsApp, SMS, and emails. To enter the event, all you have to do is scan the QR code. This characteristic is distinctive in some way. Users can also upload a photo and generate a non-transferable personalized ticket with their names on it. You can quickly learn more about the event attendees with the aid of Whatsapp event registration, and your data-related activities and conversations are secured and protected.

RSVP Management

Digital invitations with QR codes are available via WhatsApp. The administration of WhatsApp event RSVPs may benefit from it. You may offer a pleasant experience to your visitors using RSVP Management. WhatsApp may be used to send direct invitations to everyone you want to come to your event. Additionally, you may use WhatsApp conversations to ask attendees to confirm their attendance. You can add your whole invitation list to your Whatsapp using your mobile device. On your mobile WhatsApp, you may manage all of the adding, erasing, and other features. With the help of this tool, you can manage the +1 for the visitor during the event with ease. Using WhatsApp’s event solution makes management simple for the hosts and event managers.

Push Notifications

By sending push notifications over WhatsApp, you can streamline your participants’ journey and increase audience engagement both before and during the event. The entire chat and conversation system can be automated and based on real-time user journeys. Additionally, it’s never been simpler to respond to inquiries and dispel uncertainties thanks to WhatsApp’s ability to send personalized messages.

Share Event Calendar

Taking care of a large group of people is difficult. For event planners, WhatsApp automation is crucial in this situation. Event planners can send automated calendar invites to clients over WhatsApp thanks to service providers who automate WhatsApp. The service providers of WhatsApp automation incorporate calendar software in order to distribute event calendars via WhatsApp. With the help of this feature, you can attract more people to your event. The automation feature enables you to personalize the calendar with event details and links before sharing it with your attendees via WhatsApp.

Boost Audience Engagement

This feature is particularly crucial for a developing company whose primary goals include increasing sales and attracting as many clients as possible. Thus, it aids in the development and enhancement of your campaign with the use of reach materials like videos, photographs, PDFs, and much more. Sending notifications to your users about offers and discounts is now possible with just one click. In fact, WhatsApp business automation increases lead generation by disseminating your messages and re-engaging with event attendees for their insightful feedback afterward.

Whatsapp Improves Sales Figures

WhatsApp for events works like a sales enchantment. A WhatsApp phone number on your website might increase the number of leads you receive for sales. Simply because they have the opportunity to contact event hosts via any messaging app, potential customers seem to have more faith in them. A business’s ability to reach customers through messengers increases sales by at least 66%, according to research. Even better, you may consider using WhatsApp as a different sales channel for your event tickets and registration. People today may be swayed by such chat applications and purchases.

Automate proactive notification

By creating proactive message templates, you may even communicate with your consumers in advance using WhatsApp API. After your clients choose to accept such communications from you, this feature goes into effect. Use this tool to automatically distribute updates about an event or payments after they are received. This lessens the need for a consumer to ask inquiries and eases the burden of the agent fielding the same questions repeatedly. You should be aware that WhatsApp must first approve every message template. Additionally, a message template only accepts text, images, and PDF files.

Cost-Effective Marketing Tool

Through the challenging process of advertising and marketing your event, you have evolved personally. WhatsApp is cost-free and practical to use in this regard. If you only use WhatsApp for event registration and tickets, it’s not simple but can be a wonderful bet. We have all seen how, as a whole, people use it more frequently than any other messaging app or are addicted to it. By using WhatsApp marketing, you can improve your conversion rates, revenues, and other metrics at a low cost. You will also gain the advantage of retaining and forging a lifelong relationship with your clients.

Helps Desk

Managing every part of the event is a difficult task. For every event to be managed successfully, a wide range of factors must be taken into account. Where WhatsApp comes in is in this situation. More than a thousand customers may effortlessly communicate with it using WhatsApp Business APIs and receive a prompt response thanks to its event helpdesk. Regardless of the business, you work in, WhatsApp marketing can help you increase your conversion rates. By integrating WhatsApp automation into your event management system, you can save time, reduce workload, improve customer experience and generate revenue.