
Rockspace wifi extender Setup And Updation

If you’re looking to update your rockspace wifi extender firmware, is the IP address you need to use. This IP address will also help with re.rockspace.local setup as well. This article will discuss how to update wireless range extender firmware and re.rockspace.local setup process.

Steps to rockspace wifi extender firmware update:

1. Connect your wireless extender to a power outlet and wait for the LED light to turn solid green.

2. Connect your wireless range extender to a PC or laptop using an RJ45 Ethernet cable.

3. Open a web browser on the same connected device, and enter in the address bar.

4. Log in to rockspace web page using the default username and password.

5. Locate “Firmware Update” section on the rockspace web page and click “Firmware Update”.

6. Click “Browse” option to locate and upload the firmware file in your connected device.

7. Then click “Upgrade” to begin rockspace wifi extender firmware update process.

Steps to rockspace wifi extender re.rockspace.local setup:

1. Connect your wireless range extender with a power supply and wait for the LED light to turn solid green.

2. Connect wifi range extender and computer using an RJ45 Ethernet cable.

3. Open an internet browser on the same connected device and enter re.rockspace.local in the address bar.

4. Log in wireless range extender page with default username and password.

5. Locate “Wireless” and click on “Wireless Setup Wizard”.

6. Select your existing wifi network SSID from the list, enter wifi password, and click on “Next”.

7. Click “Finish” to complete rockspace extender re.rockspace.local setup process.

By following the above steps, you can easily update firmware and re.rockspace.local setup process. If you face any issues, feel free to call rockspace technical support team for help and assistance.

Hope this article helps you with rockspace wifi extender firmware update and rockspace extender re.rockspace.

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Tips For Setup:

  • Make sure that you have the extender firmware file ready before starting the firmware update process.
  • For re.rockspace.local setup, make sure that you have the correct wifi password of your existing wifi network.
  • After the setup, try to restart the your wireless range extender and computer to complete the re.rockspace.local setup process successfully.
  • In case of any issues, contact rockspace technical support team immediately.
  • After rockspace wifi extender firmware update, restart rockspace wifi extender and computer to complete the rockspace wifi extender firmware update process.
  • Make sure to use the correct IP address while accessing rockspace web page.
  • Please use a laptop or desktop computer during re.rockspace.local setup process as some mobile devices do not support rockspace wireless range extender setup process.
  • Always use the latest version of firmware while updating extender.
  • Use an RJ45 Ethernet cable for the setup and firmware update processes.
  • Make sure to keep your device near to the existing wifi router during re.rockspace.local setup process.