
Short Questions Exam: The 7 Best Study Techniques

Beware of short questions

Short question tests are deceiving. It seems that they will be easy because you do not have to delve into a topic (as in development exams), but they usually have a lot of topics and also many definitions and lists to memorize to the letter. But don’t worry: we bring you the list of the best study techniques that you must apply in order to prepare them.

Comprehensive reading

It is always (and should be) the first step when preparing an exam. Each point must be read carefully, understanding what is read and separating the main ideas from the secondary ones. If we find it difficult to understand what the text says, we can use the tricks to decipher incomprehensible academic texts, but be that as it may, the objective of this first step is to understand the content well, not to learn it. We do not have to read everything before starting with the next point, but we can repeat the sequence in each topic and thus it will be more enjoyable.


Once the topic is understood, touch underline. Not everything, only what we consider important to differentiate the content that can go to exam questions from that not. If you have a tendency to turn your notes into phosphor colored sheets that damage your eyes when you want to read again, review what is the technique to underline correctly before going crazy with the marker.

Choice of possible questions

If the teacher has not given you clues (which surely some will have given in class), you should see what possible short questions can be deduced from the text. As there is no need to develop, look at lists of characteristics, definitions and everything that can be answered in a few sentences. Short question tests cannot ask about broad topics, so focus on what is concise or can be easily synthesized.


Now that the topic is read, underlined and you have selected everything that could fall on the exam, it is time to move it to study cards to be able to handle the entire agenda comfortably and make it easier to review later.


A short question test requires memorizing, and reading and repeating until you learn it is not only soporific, but it also makes us waste a lot of time. It is time to apply mnemonic rules to make our study more enjoyable and effective. If it is a question of lists, try to form a word or phrase with the first letters of each point; If definitions have to be memorized, we can try practicing matching ideas or creating a catchy song. The more absurd it is, the better you will learn it.

Study aloud

We always say it and we will continue to say it: studying aloud is essential to learn the syllabus faster. We activate our auditory memory and then it will be much easier for us to retrieve the information during the exam. In a test with short questions this is even more important because we will have to memorize a lot.


Once we have done the above with all the agenda and we have our files at hand, it is time to see what we have learned and what we have to look at again. What helps us the most is creating our own tests by doing mock exams and answering without looking at the notes. This way we will know for sure if we have it well prepared or not. In addition, these “mock-ups” will make us less stressed when the short question test arrives because we will know what to expect.

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