
Sleep Your Way to Weight Loss Success

Do you need help to reach your weight loss goals? The answer may be correct in front of you—literally. That’s right; you could be one good night’s sleep away from seeing real progress. Read on to learn why adequate sleep is essential for weight loss success.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure (and Calories)

Getting enough sleep can help you prevent overeating and make better food choices. A study by scientists at Columbia University found that when people are well-rested, their brains are better able to resist temptation and make healthier food choices. In addition, researchers have found that getting less sleep was linked with an increased risk of gaining weight over time.

Sleep Helps You Manage Stress and Cravings

If you’ve ever had a stressful day, you know that all too often, it ends with a late-night snack run or takeout order. Stress hormones like cortisol can lead us to the pantry looking for “comfort foods.” Research has even shown that lack of sleep increases the production of ghrelin, a hormone that increases cravings for high-fat foods. Getting adequate rest helps maintain balanced levels of stress hormones and keep cravings in check.

The Quality Matters Too!

It’s not just the quantity but the quality of your sleep that matters when achieving your weight loss goals. Quality sleep can lead to poor decision-making regarding what we eat and drink (here’s looking at your mid-day coffee runs!). From tossing and turning all night long or being woken up by noisy neighbours or pets, many factors could contribute to our lack of quality sleep — which leads us back full circle to manage our stress levels more effectively so we can get some quality zzzs!

How Sleep Affects Your Metabolism

Your metabolism plays a crucial role in how quickly or slowly you burn calories and how efficiently your body stores fat. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body becomes stressed and produces higher levels of cortisol—a hormone linked to increased appetite and fat storage. In other words, when you skimp on sleep, your body works against your weight loss goals instead of for them!


In summary, if you want to shed those extra pounds but haven’t seen any progress – start by ensuring you get enough restful nights each week! While there are many things we must do when trying to lose weight (eat healthy meals, exercise regularly etc.), getting ample rest should be at the top of the list if we want lasting results! After all, what good will eating healthier do if we undo all our hard work by binging on snacks after a sleepless night?

For assistance on your weight loss journey, reach out to Online Weight Loss Clinics now!