
The Things You Should Know About Rapid Flu Test

Wondfo responded quickly to COVID-19 and has successfully created three different COVID-19 test kits, including RT-PCR, antigen, and antibody tests, that aid in the global fight against the virus.

How to Understand a Rapid Flu Test

With the quick flu test, your doctor can identify whether the influenza virus is to blame for your symptoms. A lab analysis of fluid samples from your nose or throat is used to diagnose the flu. Results of tests are often available in 15 minutes or less. Your doctor can start treating you immediately to lessen flu symptoms if you test positive for the virus.

A quick flu test aims to establish your flu status so you can benefit from early treatment. Early intervention can stop symptoms from intensifying and aggravating more serious medical illnesses and health issues.

What a Rapid Flu Test Will Show

It only takes a few minutes to complete the fast flu test, which may be done with a cotton swab or nasal spray. Your doctor gently uses a long swab during a swab test to obtain a fluid sample from the back of your throat or nose. The nasal spray technique involves your doctor injecting saline solution into your nose and gently sucking the sample. Your doctor normally receives the findings of the lab analysis of the sample within 15 minutes.

If the fast flu test indicates that you have influenza, your doctor can start treating you to ease your symptoms and stop them from worsening. However, the medication that efficiently reduces flu symptoms is frequently prescribed by doctors.

Rapid Flu Test Could Also Be Called

Rapid influenza diagnostic test


Influenza antigen test