Home Improvement

Types Of Air Conditioning Systems For Homes And Offices

When the summer is around the corner, we have to think of keeping the temperature under control. Air conditioners are one of the best ways to fight the scorching summer heat and keep the indoors cool. If you don’t have an air conditioner yet or want to change the current one, you have landed on the right page. Here, we have mentioned different types of air conditioning systems that are available in the market so that you can make the best choice.

5 Types Of Air Conditioning Systems

Window air conditioners

When it comes to air conditioning, window air conditioners have been around for the longest. These AC’s are installed into an opening, for instance, a window or by creating an opening of the required size in the wall. If you have a small house, window air conditioners are the best choice. You can buy these window conditioners at reasonable prices and they come in different sizes and you can choose the ones based on your requirements.

These are the cheapest air conditioners, and the same reflects in their functioning when used to cool bigger spaces.  Due to the size of these AC’s, the cooling capacity is also very less.  Often people use fan and window AC together for better air conditioning and air circulation.  If you need an air conditioner for a couple of small rooms, then these AC’s are cost-effective. Their maintenance is also low, but they also block a window, which is considered a major drawback.

Air Conditioning Systems

Central air conditioners

If you have a big bungalow, hotel, resort with multiple rooms, then you can install central air conditioners. These AC’s have two units, one is known as an evaporative unit and is placed inside the house while the other unit that is located outside the house is known as the condensing unit. These units are connected using refrigerated tubing that is spread across the rooms. Condensing unit generates cool air and the evaporative unit pushes the air through the duct system in your rooms. You can add programmable thermostats in these AC’s to reduce the power bills. However, the installation and purchasing of a duct system could be costlier than other available systems.

Ductless or split ACs’

If you cannot afford central air conditioning, then ductless air conditioners or mini-split systems should be your first choice. These are some of the best cooling systems and don’t have ductwork. If you are looking for better air conditioning, then you should install split systems. These systems also have two units, one is installed on the wall of the space that is to be cooled and the other is located outside. These units are also connected by refrigerant tubing. These tubes pass through the walls. The outside unit serves as the air generator. It condenses the air and sends it into the house via tubing. The inside unit, which is mounted on the wall, is the distributor of the air. These AC’s are great for medium to large homes.  However, you have to install different units for different rooms. Also, these AC’s don’t block the windows and their installation is much simpler and cheaper than other available systems.

Air Conditioning Systems

Portable Air Conditioners

Another cheap option that works great for small houses is a portable air conditioning system. These units have wheels installed at the bottom which makes them mobile. You can move them around the house.  These air conditioners are very noisy, but they are a good option for places where summers don’t last long and the heat is bearable.

If you want to choose the right type of air conditioning system, ensure that they are apt for cooling the desired space. You should also consider the budget and installation process. When selecting any brand, make sure it has a good reputation and gives you a good warranty on the system.