
Understanding Learning Loss and Ways to Overcome its Effects

The phrase “learning loss” has been used to describe how a student’s education might lag while they are absent from school for an extended period. During the pandemic, many children lost contact with their school community as well as the stability and routine they were accustomed to in their learning surroundings. 

If you have kids struggling with learning loss, you should seek out help and attend legitimate education conferences and not believe in spam programs that promise to help your kids with their studies.

What does the term “learning loss” imply?

Learning loss refers to the loss of previously acquired academic knowledge or skills and a halt in intellectual progress. This usually occurs when you have been out of school for a long time or received no in-person training.

Since March 2020, when COVID-19 got in the way, researchers, politicians, and education authorities have attempted to establish how much learning Indian kids have lost. Concerns have been raised in last year’s education summits in the USA about the short- and long-term effects on students’ academic performance and behavior.

How can parents ensure that their children are not affected by learning loss?

Here are some of the ways parents can help their children get through problems created by learning loss: 

Be cautious with new products-

Many products and services are available to assist with this Learning Loss. They claim to be able to diagnose and treat the problem and warn that if it isn’t treated, learning loss will cause severe problems for the rest of your life. While you will find legitimate resources online as well; it is recommended that you go through the reviews of parents before you take the plunge. 

Focus on the crucial learning standards-

Not every learning objective is the same. Some of the previous grade’s objectives are relevant to the following grade, while others aren’t. 

To teach essential skills, use a spiraling strategy-

Spiraling is a teaching method that entails going over specific concepts again as you go through a curriculum. Children will review the same content many times throughout a semester or year. 

Create catch-up lessons for specific subjects-

Once the required material has been selected, lessons and courses must be developed so that students can learn it fast and thoroughly. Mini-lessons are an excellent method to spend a limited amount of time on a particular subject. To find suitable lessons for your kids online, try not to fall for educational frauds and look for better options at education events for parents and educators, such as the Education 2.0 Conference

Encourage the use of project-based learning-

To learn how to tackle difficulties in the real world, students work on projects that might span anywhere from a week to a semester. The project should contain a variety of approaches to problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.

Getting to know the teachers-

Since the beginning of 2020, the learning loss has harmed their connections with peers and instructors. As a result, some children have become more agitated and nervous. 

Summing up-

Getting rid of learning loss begins with selecting the appropriate technology and resources for the classroom to provide a solid foundation for all students to progress. According to the education summits, all students faced learning loss, and many scammers took advantage of it. Parents need to help their kids overcome this and make them feel more comfortable with new educational standards.