
What is the difference between Placing and Restoring Dental Implants?

A missing tooth poses several risks. It can cause your mouth to shift and change the shape of your face. The remaining teeth may move because of the gap. In addition, it may result in a lack of self-confidence, difficulty chewing, speech issues, tooth sensitivity, and tooth grinding. In such cases, dental implants are a viable option to prevent discomfort and possible embarrassment. So, what is it, and how does it work?

A dental implant is a screw-like fixture made of titanium, and it is placed into the jawbone. Over a few months, it merges with the bone and replaces the root of a missing tooth. This “artificial tooth root” works as a strong and stable base to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants help simulate a tooth growing naturally without disturbing the alignment of nearby teeth. While getting dental implants, people tend to get confused between placing and restoring implants. To know the difference, understanding the process of dental implant surgery is a prerequisite.

Oral Check-Up

First, a patient has to go through an oral check-up. It helps the implant dentist understand the patient’s health condition and check their eligibility for the treatment. At times, the dental implant site still has a damaged tooth present, and it is extracted to prep for surgery. If required, the dentist may take X-rays or CT scans during the process.

Plan of Action

Based on the oral health reports, the dentist plans the course of treatment that begins with the restoration. S(he) explains the procedure to the patient and answers their queries if any. Some patients may also need to undergo bone augmentation. If not, the dentist marks the site for the dental implant and makes the appointment for surgical placement. 

Bone Augmentation

Also known as bone grafting, this procedure comprises taking bone from another part of the body or using synthetic bone to cover the bone loss in the jaw. It provides additional support to hold the dental implant. When this step is a part of the procedure, the course of treatment gets longer as the bone graft site may take a few months to heal.  

Implant placement

In this phase, your dentist accesses your jawbone by creating small incisions. Then, they will make tiny punctures in your jaw to place implants. Once the dental implants are fixed, a patient needs to wait for two to four months to ensure that the implants have properly fused to your jaw. This process is called osseointegration. During this period, if a missing tooth is visible when the patient smiles, the dentist may give restorations for the sake of esthetics.

Crown restoration 

First, let us understand what a dental crown is. It is a cover for an existing tooth. While a dental implant is a surgical component that substitutes a missing tooth, a crown is placed over it to make it look and function like a natural tooth. Teeth restoration using a dental crown is the last phase of the dental implant restoration process. The implant dentist incises soft gum tissues and attaches an abutment to the implant. Note that it usually takes four to six weeks for gums to heal around abutments. Follow your dentist’s instructions on foods to avoid, cleaning around the abutments, taking medicines, or applying ointments. Then, the dentist takes X-rays as well as an impression of your teeth with a plaster. These impressions are sent to the lab to create high-quality permanent dental crowns. Once the fit of the lab-created dental crown is confirmed, it is finally placed. In the end, a patient gets a natural-looking and beautiful smile that they were missing.

To put it succinctly, placement of dental implants is followed by teeth restoration using dental crowns. Now comes the question, why should you choose dental implants over other treatments for replacing missing teeth? 

First, it is the only dental procedure that restores your missing teeth from the roots up. It results in a stable and secure outcome and prevents jawbone deterioration because of tooth loss.

In addition, dental implants are worth every penny. These are durable and long-lasting. Once a patient has undergone the procedure, the results will last an entire lifetime for those who take the post-treatment precautions. Improved speech, greater ability to eat and chew properly, and refinement of facial features are additional benefits of getting dental implants.

How much does a dental implant usually cost?

The cost of a quality implant ranges between $3,500 without bone grafting or around $5000 with bone grafting. However, the price may increase for complicated cases that require advanced bone grafting procedures. 

What is the best age for dental implants?

The procedure for dental implants requires a fully developed jaw. That is why a patient must be at least seventeen to eighteen years old to be eligible for it. However, any qualified implant dentist takes this decision only after taking x rays (often of the wrist) to check if the development level is sufficient for surgery. Otherwise, there is no upper age limit for dental implant surgery. 

Who are eligible for dental implants?

Anyone with healthy gums and enough bone to hold the implant is a good candidate for this procedure. In addition, they must maintain good oral hygiene and follow a dental visit schedule.

Is a tooth implant painful?

No. The dental site is numbed during the procedure to ensure minimum or no pain and discomfort. A patient may experience some pain during the recovery and uneasiness around the cheeks and chin. However, experienced dentists take this into account and make a treatment plan accordingly. For example, Bonita’s dental implant plan includes prescribing medicines to help patients cope with it. 

Dental implant placement and restoration is the gold-standard procedure for replacing damaged, unhealthy, or missing teeth. It takes expert knowledge and the use of state-of-the-art technology to ensure the best results. So, choose clinics that have board-certified dental surgeons and trained staff for dental services.

Do you have any more queries about the dental implant procedure?  Comment and let us know.

Author Bio: Kanika writes on a variety of subjects, including healthcare and wellness. Her experiences as someone seeking the most appropriate dental treatment for years made her inclined to understand the dental care treatments inside out. She also edits content on dentistry in magazines as well as academic journals.