Home Improvement

What New Techniques Aquaguard Water Purifiers Consider For Water Purification?

Water is life’s elixir. Water covers around 71 percent of the earth’s surface, with the seas having approximately 96.5 percent of the earth’s water. Water is everywhere—as water vapor in the atmosphere, rivers, lakes, ice caps, glaciers, underground, and in our bodies.

Naturally, pure drinking water is the most crucial essential aspect people consider while building a house. If you want to live a healthy, disease-free life, you must purify your water. Our per-capita water usage is extremely high because we live in a tropical environment.

The finest water purifiers for home, from the wide variety of online water purifiers such as the lg water purifier employ proprietary technology. A few of the technologies used by these appliances to ensure that you always have clean drinking water are listed below.

1. RO (Reverse Osmosis) Water Purifiers

This method is appropriate for areas with hard water that contains high quantities of Totally Dissolved Salts (TDS). In reverse osmosis or RO technology, water is pushed at high pressures through a thin film composite membrane. This reduces the number of salts and minerals dissolved in the water by around 90%, reducing it down to a healthy and allowed level. Hard water may include dissolved minerals and salts such as arsenic, iron, mercury, lead, fluoride, and nitrates, among other things.

2. UV Purification

UV water purifiers are perfect for municipal water purification. It uses a three-stage filtration procedure to purify water. The first step includes the removal of suspended contaminants such as dust and dirt. All organic pollutants, unpleasant odor and terrible taste, lead, pesticides, and VOC are absorbed and eliminated in the second step. The third stage kills viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and other pathogenic germs.

UV technology, which uses ultraviolet radiation to filter water, assures that the water is as clean as if it had been boiled for 20 minutes. It eliminates the danger of recontamination during cooling or handling the water while manually cooking it.

UV purification guarantees that no chemicals are utilized throughout the process, allowing your body to keep all of its nutrients to be healthy.

Some of the most significant water purifier brands

  1. The Blue Star Aristo is comparable in price to the Pureit Classic Nxt RO + UV water purifier, but it has three LED lights to show filtration status, a full tank, and a low-pressure alarm mechanism. It has a water storage capacity of 7 liters. However, its filtering capacity is just 8 liters per hour. The six stages of filtering are the sediment filter, pre-carbon filter, RO membrane, UV lamp, UF membrane, and post-carbon filter. This water purifier features a more appealing and contemporary appearance, a flavor enhancer, and a child lock option.
  1. If you prefer a RO water purifier with a quicker filtration rate, the Desire aquaguard water purifier by Eureka Forbes has a filtration rate of up to 15 liters per hour. It has a 7-liter tank, although the styling is a little old. The five-stage filtering process is a sediment filter, a pre-carbon filter, a RO membrane, a post-carbon filter, and a UV chamber. It also contains a mineralizer to enhance the flavor of the water and LED lights to indicate the condition.
  1. The AO Smith water purifier UTC X5+ RO has a 7.5-liter water storage tank and a filtering rate of up to 15 liters per hour. It includes a pre-filter, sediment filter, RO membrane, post-carbon filter, and mineralizer. However, it lacks a UV filter featured in all of the other water purifiers we’ve chosen.
  1. In comparison to the AO Smith water purifier UTC X5+ and aquaguard water purifier UTC RO purifiers, the Kent Sterling Plus has a considerably prettier look. It contains a 6-liter water storage tank, a filtering speed of 20 liters per hour, and a water mineralizer. All included are a sediment filter, a pre-carbon filter, a RO membrane, a post-carbon filter, a UF filter, and a TDS controller. The Kent Sterling Plus has an auto-on/off option to conserve energy. Kent provides a one-year standard warranty with a complimentary three-year service AMC as is customary.
  1. Latest AO Smith water purifier Z1 is a RO water purifier that can also provide hot water as desired. It can distribute water at temperatures ranging from 45°C to 80°C. It contains status LEDs and a digital display to allow you to change the temperature of warm or hot water to your preference. It includes a 10-liter water tank and can be put on the counter or the wall. It consists of a pre-filter, sediment filter, pre-carbon filter, RO membrane, post-carbon filter, UV chamber, and UF filter.


Whatever technology is employed, the goal is the same: to ensure that the water you and your family drink is entirely safe, clean, fresh, and germ-free. Water is an essential component of our existence and an inseparable aspect of our life. Thus it only makes sense to drink only the cleanest water.