
Why Are Technical SEO Services Important for Your Business

If you’re not looking at your website from the perspective of a search engine, you’re missing out on a lot. Search engines are the primary way most people find websites online, and if your site isn’t optimised for search engines, then it won’t get much traffic or conversion rates. SEO agency Australia shared the good news that there are many things you can do as an owner to improve your site’s SEO performance in order to get more organic traffic from Google, Bing and other major search engines.

Your website’s speed is a ranking factor.

As you may have guessed, speed is important for user experience, conversions, SEO and even your business. But did you know that it’s also a ranking factor? Yep! Google has officially confirmed that page speed is now a ranking factor. That means if your site takes too long to load (three seconds or more), it could be hurting the chances of people clicking on it at all – and therefore damaging your business potential as well.

You need to have a mobile-friendly site.

Google has announced that mobile-friendliness will be a ranking factor. This is excellent news for you, as your site will benefit from having a mobile-friendly version. Mobile devices are becoming more popular for search engine use and eCommerce use. If you want your business to attract more customers and provide the best experience possible, SEO agency Australia suggests that you need to have a mobile-friendly site so that people can find you on their phones!

SEO agency Australia

Get rid of duplicate content issues.

If you’re not familiar with duplicate content, it’s essentially content that appears on your website in multiple places. This can happen when you have the same copy of a URL on a page, and then someone else copies that URL and pastes it into another post or page. It can also happen if your CMS generates copy from within itself (for example, auto-generated product descriptions).

If you have duplicate content on your site, Google will treat this as a search result for users who don’t know what to click—which means Google may choose one version of the page over another in its rankings. In addition to hurting user experience by giving them more work than necessary to find what they need, this can also hurt SEO because it indicates low quality and lack of attention to detail—both things that lead people away from websites they visit regularly.

Redirect users properly.

When you redirect users to the correct page, they are more likely to stay on your site and interact with it again. This can be a big deal for businesses that rely on search engine traffic.

If you don’t redirect users properly, they may stumble upon an old URL and leave because it doesn’t contain the information they’re looking for. For example, if someone clicks on your website’s homepage link in Google only to find that it leads them to an error page or dead end, they’re going to get frustrated and go elsewhere (or not at all). Redirecting users properly is also important so that you can use 301 redirects as part of your link-building strategy without worrying about losing any of those links in the future.

Publish quality content on your website.

With the right technical SEO services, you can create content that is unique and valuable. You want to make sure that your website has a steady flow of new content so that users will return often. This is important because it shows Google that you are an active business and deserve to be ranked highly in search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are several ways to make sure your content is both unique and valuable. First, try creating a blog or newsletter on the topic of your business so you can frequently post new articles or tips for customers. 

Next, use keywords throughout all of your pages – this helps Google understand what each page is about so they can present it as relevant information when users search for related terms online. 

Finally, follow an editorial calendar so that all of your posts are scheduled at least one month ahead; this ensures consistent posting without leaving gaps between updates which could hurt rankings!

Make it easy for search engines to crawl your website and index your pages.

Searches by users are only one side of the coin. The other is that search engines, as well as their algorithms, need to be able to read your website in order to understand what it contains and how useful it is.

This process of crawling is called crawl ability, and if you have a difficult time allowing search engines access to your website, then this could affect your rankings.

There are many ways in which you can make it easy for search engines like Google and Bing (and others) to crawl your website and index all of its pages properly. Here’s some advice on how you can do that:

  • Correctly set up robots.txt file – Robots exclusion standard is a text file which tells crawlers what parts of the site should not be indexed or cached by them;
  • Use 301 redirects when moving from one domain name or URL structure to another;
  • Canonicalisation issues can be avoided by using the rel=canonical link element properly;
  • Meta tags used for showing keywords/helpful content will help with better understanding by both humans and machines.


If you’re not sure how to go about improving your website’s SEO, don’t worry. There are plenty of options available for you to choose from. You can either hire an SEO agency Australia to do the job for you or try out tools like SEMRush and Moz that will help you with some of the technical aspects of SEO.