
Why Do We Need Electrolytes Test?

Electrolytes are certain minerals found in the body’s tissue, blood, urine, and other fluids. One can acquire electrolytes from the foods one consume, drinks, and other supplements. They are called electrolytes because they give off electrical charges when they mix in fluids in the body.

Electrolytes are important to maintain the proper balance of fluids in the body. They are also vital to maintaining an adequate heart rate while regulating proper blood pressure. It is crucial to keep a check on the level of electrolytes in your body. It can be done by using an an electrolytes test.

What Do You Mean By Electrolytes Test?

This test measures the levels of electrolytes present in the body. An electrolyte panel test, also known as an electrolytes blood test, helps in measuring the levels of seven electrolytes found in your blood. The level of electrolytes can fluctuate. It happens when there is an electrolyte imbalance caused by conditions like cardiovascular or kidney problems, dehydration, and others.

Why Is An Electrolytes Test Conducted?

An electrolytes test is usually prescribed by doctors to examine the rate of electrolytes present in your body. A healthcare professional might order you to conduct such a test to determine the cause of certain diseases. The electrolyte imbalance in your body can be a result of:

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Burns
  • Kidney problems
  • Cardiovascular problems like heart failure
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver issues like Cirrhosis
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Substance abuse

What Does An Electrolyte Panel Test Include?

Certain electrolyte panel tests measure only one type of electrolyte. Others help in determining the levels of all seven types of electrolytes. An electrolytes test also measures the levels of several minerals in your blood like:

1. Sodium 

Sodium present in your electrolytes helps in maintaining proper fluid levels. It is also needed to promote the proper functioning of the muscles and nerves. 

2. Calcium

Calcium helps in regulating your bones and muscles, together forming the musculoskeletal system. They also help in supporting your circulatory system and your nervous system. 

3. Phosphate

Phosphate helps in the formation of healthy bones and teeth. This mineral also helps in the smooth functioning of nerves and muscles. 

4. Potassium

Potassium is responsible for maintaining proper heart, muscle, and nerve conditions. It also helps in regulating body metabolism.

5. Magnesium 

Magnesium in your blood helps in promoting the smooth functioning of your nerves and muscles. It also helps in making sure that your bones and teeth are strong. 

6. Chloride

Chloride is responsible for maintaining healthy blood pressure. It is also helpful in regulating adequate body fluid levels. 

7. Bicarbonate

Bicarbonate helps in regulating a healthy proportion of acids and basic alkaline compounds in your blood. It also assists the Carbon Dioxide in traveling through the bloodstream.

How To Prepare For An Electrolytes Test?

To ensure that the withdrawal of blood to test for electrolytes goes on smoothly, it is important to follow certain steps:

1. Keep Yourself Away From Nicotine

It is essential to avoid smoking or vaping before you are going to have your blood withdrawn for the test. It is because the nicotine present can contract your blood vessels. It will make it difficult to insert the needle into your vein, making it tough to withdraw blood from your arm. 

2. Stay Properly Hydrated

Before the test takes place, it is recommended to drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids. It will help the blood to flow through the blood vessels smoothly. As a result, it will be easy to withdraw the blood. 

3. Never Stay Quiet About Your Fears

It is common to be scared about needles or blood. It is always considered best to speak to the doctor about it. It will help in making blood withdrawal much easier for you. 

What Are The Normal Ranges Of Electrolytes?

There are many factors like sex, age, and prevailing health ailments that can affect the results of your test. The labs where the tests are conducted opt for different methods to measure electrolytes. It indicates that the test results can vary from one lab to another. The normal ranges of the various minerals present are:

  • Sodium- 136 to 144 mmol/L
  • Calcium- 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dL
  • Magnesium- 1,7 to 2,2 mg/dL
  • Phosphate- 2.5 to 4.8 mg/dL
  • Potassium- 3.7 to 5.1 mmol/L
  • Chloride- 97 to 105 mmol/L
  • Bicarbonate- 22 to 30 mmol/L

The Bottom Line

It is always considered healthy to conduct an electrolytes test to keep track of the level of electrolytes present in your blood.