Home Improvement

Your Guide To Rendering: What Are The Essential Render Supplies?

What Does Rendering Mean?

Rendering in construction refers to the application of a top thick-coating to an existing surface. The surface is often the exterior walls of the house. The rendering is applied in many layers; the first layer helps even out the surface. And then, the professionals apply the following coatings, depending on the desired texture. This process for enhancing the look of home decor is becoming popular by the day in Australia. In this article, you will encounter all the essential details related to rendering and different render supplies.

Types Of Rendering

Cement Rendering:

As the name suggests, this type of rendering is done using a cement mixture. It is the traditional way of rendering in which the mixture comprises cement, sand, and clay or lime. You can purchase it as a pre-mix or mix it on site. The latest version of this render mix, the polymer-modified cement render, is available as a pre-mix. It costs a little higher but adheres better than cement mix. The best feature of this rendering is its availability in several colors, so you don’t need painting.

Acrylic Rendering:

This type of rendering is becoming very common. Acrylic render is resistant to cracks, unlike the cement render. You can also skim the acrylic render over a layer of cement render for a cost-effective rendering option.

melbourne render supplies

Important Rendering Supplies

Chemical Render Supplies

For rendering work in your home, you need good-quality to render supplies such as mortar and water. However, there are so many brands of mortars available in the market. You need to do your research and choose the one that fits your budget the best.

Render Mortar

Depending on the surface or wall, you may have to opt for a suitable render mortar. The mortar is responsible for protecting the wall from scratches, moisture, and other damage. You can find the instructions on the bag of the render for its utilization and mix the solution accordingly.


The amount of water you add to the mixture should be precise, as instructed. Do not exceed the water limit, or you may spoil render mix and your walls.

Rendering Tools

Trowel: This is one of the essential tools for rendering. It is a flat spade-like tool that helps you apply the render evenly on the wall. Moreover, you can also use the trowel to clean the extra render mix from the wall.

Bucket Trowel: This tool can help you mix the render in your bucket. You can also transport the render from your bucket to the wall and back and use it to scrape or score the wall before rendering.

Bucket: This is one of the most important render supplies. A bucket can always come in handy, even if not for rendering. You can mix the mortar and water in the bucket or even store your other tools in it. Hence, making it easier for you to transport the render mix around the workplace.

Rendering tape: The tape is another very essential render supply. You can border the rest of the areas around the walls that need rendering using this tape. Be it protecting the windows, doors or just creating dimensional lines on the render; this tape does it all.

rendering tools melbourne

Benefits Of Rendering

It offers a smooth finish to your walls, with or without painting.

Render is also resistant to fire.

You can also use it for aesthetic purposes by adding colors and pigments to the mix.

It is also repellent to moisture, and hence, improves the durability of the walls.

Render makes your walls crack-resistant.


Rendering is very similar to plastering. However, plastering is done on the inner walls and ceilings of the house, whereas rendering is primarily for the exterior of the house. Make sure you have adequate render supplies at your home that will help enhance your home’s aesthetic.