Home ImprovementProperty

Your Safety Checklist: Changing Door Locks in a New House


Congratulations! You’ve finally taken the big step and bought a new house. As you step through the front door for the first time and take in the fresh, unspoiled ambiance of your new home, the last thing on your mind is likely to be changing the door locks. However, changing door locks in a new house should be one of your top priorities.

Why Changing Door Locks in a New House is Essential:

The first step in creating a safe living environment in your new home is ensuring you have control over who can gain access. Previous homeowners, realtors, contractors, or even past renters might still have keys to your house. Changing the locks eliminates the risk of unauthorized access, providing peace of mind and creating a safe space for your family.

Types of Door Locks:

Before you proceed with changing your door locks, it’s essential to understand the different types available. The most common types include deadbolts, knob locks, and smart locks. Deadbolts are the most secure traditional lock, while knob locks are often used for interior doors. Smart locks, on the other hand, offer advanced features such as remote access, visitor logs, and even integration with home automation systems.

DIY Lock Change vs. Hiring a Professional:

Changing the locks yourself can be a cost-effective solution, but it may not offer the same level of security as a professional installation. If you’re handy and comfortable with DIY tasks, you could consider changing the locks yourself. Otherwise, hiring a professional locksmith ensures a secure fit and can provide you with advice on the best types of locks for your home.

How to Change Door Locks Yourself:

If you’ve decided to take up the task yourself, you’ll need to follow these steps. First, purchase a new lock that fits your door and your needs. Remove the old lock, typically this involves unscrewing a few screws. Install the new lock, making sure to follow the instructions provided. Test the new lock several times to ensure it works correctly.

When to Call a Professional Locksmith:

If the process of changing door locks feels overwhelming, it’s time to call a professional locksmith. They have the necessary skills and tools to change your locks quickly and efficiently. Additionally, a locksmith can help if you’re locked out of your house or if your lock is broken.

Smart Locks: The Future of Home Security:

Smart locks are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and enhanced security features. They allow you to unlock your door with a smartphone app, eliminating the need for keys. Some models even let you grant temporary access to guests or service providers. While smart locks are generally more expensive than traditional locks, they offer superior convenience and control.

Switching to smart locks when you’re changing door locks in a new house is a move that makes perfect sense in today’s digital age. Your home is your sanctuary and ensuring its security should be a top priority. Traditional locks have served us well, but with technological advancements, smart locks are emerging as the future of home security.

Changing Door Locks in a New House

Smart locks offer an additional layer of protection and convenience that conventional locks simply can’t match. They allow you to control access to your home via your smartphone, eliminating the need for physical keys. This means no more fumbling for keys, no more lockouts, and the ability to grant access to guests or tradespeople remotely.

There is also a record of who comes and goes, providing you with a history log of entries and exits – a feature that’s particularly handy if you’re renting your property out. If a key gets lost, there’s no need to change the entire lock. Simply change the access code, and your security is restored.


Changing door locks in a new house is a critical step towards ensuring your home’s safety and your peace of mind. Whether you choose to install a traditional deadbolt or a smart lock, and whether you opt for a DIY approach or hire a professional locksmith, the important thing is to make this task a priority. Remember, the safety of your home is invaluable. Don’t overlook this vital step in setting up your new home.