Home ImprovementPet

Should I have a Dog in my Apartment?

Dogs are great pets and the best companions that entertain you all the time. Keeping a dog at home is a good idea as it makes your life beautiful and joyful. But what if you are living in an apartment. The majority of people ask this question, should I own a dog while living in an apartment?

Because apartments are relatively smaller as compared to the houses and you also have to keep a lot of other things in mind before getting a dog into your apartment. First and foremost, whether your landlord or owner allows you to bring pets into the apartment.

Secondly, living in an apartment means your neighbors are too close to your apartment. So, you have to keep that in mind your neighbors do not get disturbed by the noise of your pet. Other than that, there is no issue with bringing a dog into your apartment.

If your landlord allows you permission to bring a dog into the apartment then “Yes”. You can bring a dog to your apartment and for this, you have to work on few things. To keep a dog in your apartment you have to consider few things.

The main thing to consider is to choose a perfect place for your dog to take a rest and sleep. It is important to provide him with all the comfort to stay happy. Choosing the right-sized and comfortable bed is important. So, go now and find a perfect bed for your dog to live peacefully in the apartment.

Following these steps will help you keep your dog healthy and happy in the apartment whether it is a small apartment.

1.    Choose the Right Dog

It is a very important and essential step to consider while moving to an apartment with your dog. If you already have a dog you have to adjust and train your dog to live in an apartment. But if you are looking to add a new pet to your apartment then find out the right breed that fits your apartment.

It is highly preferred to choose a smaller dog that can perfectly adjust to the environment of the apartment. Also, look for a breed that is naturally quiet and calm. So, they can adjust easily in the small apartments. Avoid getting a puppy because it is hard to train a puppy as compared to an adult dog.

2.    Make your Apartment Dog Friendly

Before moving into the apartment with the dog you must make sure that the environment of the apartment is suitable for your dog. Make your apartment dog-proof by making each room safe for your dog. Whether you are bringing a new dog or moving into the apartment with your old best friend safety of the dog is essential.

Remove extra clutter from each room especially secure the cabinets in the kitchen. If you are a plant lover and have plants in your apartments then you also have to keep them away from your dog. As dogs like chewing plants and protecting them keep your plants on top of shelves.

3.    Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

While living in an apartment you have to take special care of your dog’s health because health cannot be compromised. Although there is less space for your dog to play freely or do exercise so have to involve your dog in such activities that cheer him up and boost his mood.

The happier your dog is the healthier he will be in his life. Other than that, he may get sick of anxiety or depression.

4.    Work on Noise Control

The most important thing you need to consider while living in an apartment with your dog is how to avoid noise. Your dog will bark and it may disturb your neighbors so you have to find ways to overcome this issue. Observe your dog’s behavior and find out what makes him bark most of the time. Try to solve the issue and take control of it.

5.    Take Your Dog Out for Exercise

Dogs love to follow a routine and they also like playing or exercise. Make it a habit for your dog to do exercise regularly and take him out once a day. It will also help to keep him happy. As well as keep him in good health. Because taking care of your pet’s health is very important. Going out and playing with the neighbor dogs will make him feel good.


Keeping a dog in an apartment seems like an impossible thing for some people. Because people usually think that dogs cannot survive in apartments as they are small as compared to houses. But it is not true you can keep a dog while living in an apartment. Few things that can help you keep a dog in an apartment are described above and it will help you to a great extent.