
The Impact Of Technology On Childhood Depression


Children spend the majority of their time on devices like the phone, radio, TV, games, Xbox, iPod, and audio system, according to several studies. Children use technology for a wide range of activities, including playing games, watching movies, listening to music, interacting with friends, and visiting other websites. They spend much of their time engaging in these activities without giving any thought to their posture, the brightness of the screen, or the distance of the screen from their eyes, all of which have an impact on their eyesight and health.

Distress results when staring at an electronic screen for an extended period of time. Children have a variety of issues, such as eye discomfort or temporary difficulties focusing. If we have trouble adjusting to screens, think of what our child’s eyes may be going through. We can strive to lessen the effects of these technologies on our children, but in this day and age, neither we nor our kids can avoid them. It’s pretty amazing that a baby of two can utilize a device and understand how to operate it, just like a child can use a feeding bottle.

The Positive Impact of Gadget Use

  • Children have better motor skills

The muscles that control minor motions like those of the mouth, lips, fingers, wrists, and toes are referred to as motor skills. Therefore, toddlers’ fingers and hands exercise while they play games on tablets or any other technology. For developing kids, this activity is quite beneficial. As opposed to playing outside, they are completely safe when using contemporary keyboards, keypads, or other portable gadgets.

  • Improved cognitive skills

Cognitive talents are the capacity for information processing, logic, memory, and object comparison. Memory and language are intimately connected to these abilities. Technology today aids children’s cognitive skill development more quickly and effectively. All of the activities they used to play in the past, like puzzles and drawing in sketchbooks, may now be played on electronic devices. A child’s cognitive abilities would constantly be enhanced by such things. Given that kids are more interested in gadgets than books, current technology aids in the development of their learning abilities more quickly.

  • Cause of distraction in children

Kids are preoccupied with gadgets. Give your child a smartphone, iPad, Xbox, or other portable gadget so he may use it for days or even weeks at a time. Therefore, you don’t need to be concerned about the youngster because there is no chance that they may be hurt or wounded by these devices. Do not worry about making any other significant messes, such as painting a wall or upsetting people. All that has altered due to technology. A youngster may pass hours playing games, watching films, or doing other things just by using a smart phone.

  • More fun for kids

Children have pleasure playing games on them and can easily comprehend basic concepts of cause and effect, action, and reaction. Games on them can be puzzles, races, candy crush, or simple first-person shooters. Children can learn on electronic devices in far more engaging ways than they do with books or more traditional techniques.

  • Educating young ones

It has been demonstrated that technology is tremendously useful in educating students. Children can browse instructional websites and obtain in-depth knowledge about the needed subject. Technology improves things since it gives us access to a wealth of information and is helpful for doing study and better understanding phenomena. Education has undergone a greater revolution because to visual presentations, instructional films, interactive programs, learning tutorials, and a wide range of publications that is constantly available online.

  • Competition skills

Video games are quite popular among kids. When playing these games with individuals from all over the world, as well as their family and friends, they experience a sense of competitiveness that improves their competitive abilities and helps them to control themselves in a competitive setting.

Negative Effects Of Gadgets Use

  • Speech or language delay

We must first comprehend the distinction between speech and language in order to comprehend speech or language delay in youngsters. Speech is the spoken type of communication utilized by people, and language is the whole of spoken, written, verbal, and nonverbal communication. A youngster with language delays could be able to pronounce words properly but only combine two words. When expressing thoughts, a kid with a speech delay could use words and phrases that are challenging to grasp.

This has been the subject of several studies and the development of numerous theories. Researchers discovered via the use of a screening tool that children are more likely to experience expressive speech delays the more time they spend using portable devices like smart phones, tablets, and video games. Through encounters with other people, kids can pick up language and communication skills. This is how students will learn how to communicate effectively since without communication, learning cannot take place. Every minute your youngster spends in front of a screen is a minute he might be conversing or learning with others. Screen time is the amount of time your child spends in front of a screen, whether it be a TV or another device. Children who spend too much time watching screens lose out on interacting and communicating with others.

  • Attention deficits

ADHD, often known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a psychiatric illness. It describes issues with paying attention, excessive activity, or having trouble managing inappropriate behavior. Children who experience this may become antsy, unable to concentrate, restless, and easily distracted. This alteration in behavior may also lead to issues at home or at school.

  • Learning problems

Before the age of five, children pick up a lot of knowledge, and toddlers pick up knowledge far more quickly than older kids. Their ability to learn and communicate with their parents is limited if they are using technology. They require adequate time to converse with their parents in order to acquire new vocabulary and communication skills. They require their parents, not technology. Additionally, exposure to these devices has been related to learning disabilities and cognitive impairments.

  • Anxiety

Anxiety is a dread of the future and a response to the present. These emotions may result in a number of physical symptoms, such as trembling and a rapid heartbeat.

Although this stage is typically brief and innocuous, anxious children also exhibit apprehension, shyness, and dread. They attempt to stay away from people, places, and activities. When a child can’t use the internet, they may act aggressively or act uptight, but when their gadgets are returned, these feelings instantly go. This behavior is very noticeable.

  • Childhood depression

A very common and significant medical disease that negatively affects children’s behavior is childhood depression. Sadness may arise when children of a specific age use their technology excessively. Additionally, it contributes to adolescent mental health issues in children. They could act depressed, or we might see the worst of these symptoms in a few of days.

  • Negative impact on character

One of the main issues in this rapidly developing technological world is this. Less often do children search for educational websites online than they do to see pornographic content. This behavior has a negative effect on their character. They abandoned their moral principles.

How to safeguard kids against the negative effects of technology

  • Set a time limit for screen use. Limit children’s screen time and forbid use after the allotted period of time has passed. Limit your TV watching as well. A little kid can use a device for an hour each day, and a school-age child can use it for two hours per day.
  • Make your kids play outside by encouraging them to do so with their friends and siblings. So they get interaction and communication skills with kids. Playing with animals like cats, dogs, and other children is far preferable to watching an animated film. Additionally, it reduces the likelihood of myopia and helps to train long-distance vision.
  • In order to be able to accomplish anything you want to do in peace, it’s not a good idea to keep your youngster engaged with electronics. Instead, keep them busy with other creative toys, such as storybooks, puzzles, and coloring books.
  • Make sure your child gets a proper amount of sleep. Children need around 10 hours of sleep every day. For the brain to function well and to recuperate from eye strain, good sleep is also important. For optimal health, a good night’s sleep is also essential.


Everything is either good or terrible depending on how we use it. If we utilize anything negatively, it becomes bad. In order to assist parents in reducing their child’s exposure to gadgets, some tips have been provided above. It is challenging to keep children away from technology, but we can set time limits. Encouraging kids to utilize technology for schoolwork or other purposes can result in significant life changes. They might improve their talents with the aid of it. Technology use for good can result in more productive and healthy brains.

If you are observing any signs of anxiety or depression in your child you can consult TalktoAngel, an Online Child Counseling platform that help in elimination of the depression from the child, Thus helping in overall development of the child and their future. You must not delay consulting TalktoAngel as it will lead to delay in treatment and child recovery.