
A Guide – How to Prepare for Lip Fillers

Lips are considered the most prominent, most noticed, and most attractive part of the face – rivaled only by the eyes. These two organs and their proportions, color, and orientation, indeed define beauty. This is true for both the sexes, but mainly for women.

What makes lips beautiful?

There are multiple factors that contribute to the beauty of the lips; the shape, ratio between the upper and lower lip, hydration, color, definition of the clear vermillion borders, the prominence of the cupids’ bow, and well-differentiated philtrum columns, running from the nose down and out to the cupids bow.

Without going too much into academic details, it is safe to say that genetics, teeth and aging determine how the lips stand out and present themselves.

There isn’t a formula that fits everyone. What is stunning for Angelina Jolie, may not be a fit for someone else; the most desirable thing however is to look natural.

Influence of social media: 

Unfortunately, with social media and its companionship called photoshoping, the reality of what the lips SHOULD look like, is greatly distorted, with some shocking and tragic results. This is of great concern, due to illegal and black-market flooding of questionable filler products and many doctors and nurses posting online of them self-injecting, which enourages lay people think that they can inject themselves without understanding the anatomy and the serious consequences.

It is critical to know that our face is filled with blood vessels everywhere⸺many of them intercommunicating with each other, with connections to the brain and retina. We like to remind everyone, to never, ever take fillers on the face lightly. It is not the same as walking into a salon and getting a haircut, nor having makeup done in someone’s basement. 

The most commonly used fillers in lips are hyaluronic acid (HA) based. Different HA fillers have different personalities so to speak. Choosing the right one, and the right amount, placed in the right layer of the lip,⸺without insulting the normal anatomy, will give the best natural and safer results. HA fillers in most cases, can be easily reversed by injecting a enzyme called hyaluronidase.

Do not go to anyone for a filler if they do not have a stock of this emergency medication: hyaluronidase. There are newer generations of HA fillers, and though they last longer, they may be more difficult to dissolve or reverse if necessary, not to mention the long-term problems after migration that are unpredictable. Permanent fillers such as silicone should NEVER be used in the lips.

Preparation for Lip Fillers:

We strongly recommend clients avoid all blood thinner medications/ supplements/ foods for two weeks before the filler. Bruising on the lips after a filler injection, is probably a rule rather than an exception, considering the highly vascular nature of the lips. It is highly mandated not to have any dental procedures, including cleaning, 2 weeks before, and 2 weeks after the procedure. It is suggested not to wear any makeup or lipstick of any kind, prior to the procedure to avoid contamination. Those who have a history of recurrent cold sores (herpes) should start on oral medication at least a day before the lip filler. Presence of gingivitis, oral ulcers, or any other active inflammatory or infective lesion in and around the mouth should prompt one to postpone the procedure.

lip filler before after

This article is meant to enlighten you about the beauty of lips, but also to warn you about the dangers of lip fillers not done the right way by the right professional.

We like to assess everyone thoroughly prior to lip fillers, address their expectations, and come to a conclusion if lip fillers are right for them.

Beyond Lip Fillers:

For some with overactive orbicularis muscle (the muscle that closes the mouth, purses the lips, blows kisses), any amount of lip fillers will not fully help. In addition, they might need Botox to relax part of that overactive muscle. Botox on the lips, is not without undesirable side effects, which may or may not be acceptable for everyone. People have also used PDO threads in lips, especially at vermillion border, but we do not know the long term effects of PDOs in lips. Will it cause more fibrosis/scar tissue and encourage filler migration undesirably? This needs further study. 

This is the reason proper assessment and selection are as important as the procedure itself. Lip filler procedure is not a retail commodity⸺you are not buying a syringe; you are signing up for an aesthetic medical procedure.