
The Importance Of Technological Development In Modern Times

Technological advancements can be intimidating at times. The rapidity of its evolution makes people uneasy as sudden changes are not easily acceptable for most of us. However, without matching these technological strides, individuals and organizations are in the danger of being left behind.

On the most part the development in technology has improved the quality of our lives in various sectors. Our current lifestyles, work environments and entertainment sources would not be remotely where they are without technology. It influences the way we communicate, think, and learn as a society.

We have and continue to gain more access to information about the world around us and beyond. This helps in creating strategies on every level to help human civilization thrive and explore new boundaries. In more than one area, technological advancement has brought revolutionary changes benefitting us.

Technology in business sector

With technology as their driving force business strategies have seen much improvement and evolution. The recruitment process for instance has become more convenient through technology. It wasn’t too far back when enterprises were quite limited when it came to filling a position. Advertisements needed to be given in newspapers or hiring agencies were reached for assistance.

These days recruitment has become efficient for both applicants and businesses. People newly entering the industry or wanting to change their field are conscious about having exceptional resumes. As it is the first thing which directs a hiring manager’s attention towards a candidate. With the internet, job hunters now have access to cheap CV writing services which provide impressive resumes. This helps candidates having their best abilities stand out and noticed by employers.

Gathering accurate statistics concerning business operations is another area massively improved by technology. Before now the only way to collect data was through monthly reports. This hindered making informed decisions in business. But with the usage of software tools, executives can now collect real time data and analyze it. As the information is in digital form, it can also be easily shared with other team members when needed. This procedure is less time consuming, error free, and productive.

Technology in education

The changes of educational technology has brought to education are not acknowledged as much as they deserve to be. It is not just the world of figures and finance which digital revolution is connected to. It is also equally capable of enhancing the knowledge of art, music, literature, history, and more creative areas.

Because of the internet, attending college has become far easier. There are many individuals who cannot continue their education because of jobs or household responsibilities.  They might also live too far away from the campus and unable to manage daily commute or boarding. But online education solves all these issues and makes higher education accessible to everyone. They allow for flexible schedules and self-paced learning which immensely helps students with other duties.

Furthermore, finding information on any subject or topic has only become possible due to technology. It is not necessary anymore to sit in a library for hours. Or to wait for days to get material which has been unavailable. Issues like these have become irrelevant with the advent of the search engines. Research work or studying for the sake of knowledge is within the reach of your laptop or smartphone even. There is an expanse of information you can traverse and find exactly what you require.

Technology in communication

The impact of technology on communication is one that is most prominent. Contacting is made so much easier through calls, emails, and texts. Sharing content with one another whether for work or entertainment purposes is similarly fast and hassle free. Storing data of any type even if there is a huge amount of it is possible due to cloud storage. This clears up space on your phones or any other digital device.

In the past, equal employment opportunities were not extended to disabled people. It restricted them from being able to physically work which kept businesses from hiring them. But the industry has changed entirely in recent times. With remote work being the new norm people with disabilities now have the same chances for a successful career. There are also applications to help people with speech problems or voice-controlled programs for ones with hands impairment.


The modern world is based on the technology which humans have developed and refined over many years. Its advancement is now so fast that our daily lives our different even from how they were a decade ago. Our dependence of technology is increasing by the day. And this does not refer to how we cannot spend a few hours away from our digital devices. The actual benefits of technology are taken for granted as they make the world as we know it today. If used correctly it will continue to shape our paths towards a glorious future.